Message from @ɪɴꜰᴏᴍᴀsʜᴇᴅ, ɴᴇᴜᴛʀᴀʟɪᴢᴇs ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴛ
Discord ID: 479427329547042818
The shittiest part about putting down animals, is that every single one of them knows they are about to die.
It doesnt matter how old, what breed, hell even what species
They always know
That being said putting down an animal is 1000x easier than not putting down an animal
I've met some really stupid owners who refuse to put their animals down cause its "my daughters favorite cat" or some bullshit
Imagine watching a cat litterally pissing itself to death because it has liver failure, and all you can do is pump it full of fluids and IV and stick it in a cage while it loses lbs of weight by the hour
Ah fuck man
That hit close to home
Thats a specific case btw, I remember him clearly. Cuddles, or as I liked to call him "cuddles the anti-cuddle cat" he wasn't the most friendly cat but neither would if I was in that scenario, he got pretty mello during the last day. But one thing that sticks out about cuddles case is that it was the first time I really wish an animal would just die. I remember I came into the holding area and saw him lying lifeless in his cage and I thought to myself "Please be dead, please just be dead cuddles." but alas when I came to the cage the stuborn bastard poked his little head up and slowly opened his eyes to tell me wasnt dead
"Air Traffic Control, this is Rich requesting flyby."
"Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full."
"...I'm gonna call it a night and take a nose dive"
"I just want you to whisper sweet nothings into my ear"
This image is such an a e s t h e t i c Background
I love aesthetic shit
0bytes ok
thank you please try again
Probably best to crop out the black bars
needs to be higher res
You have a massive monitor or something?
I think if that's massive to you, you literally live in the 90s
Guess I just don’t care about quality
Don't know where else to put this so here goes.
>Be me lately
>Realize I'm on the backside of my 20s, almost 30
>Jobs have been a dead end since 2014, enough to get by and be reasonably comfortable but always mind numbing
>think going to college for engineering might help but not holding my breath
>Talk to current job owner about future at company for about half an hour, pretty much tells me that if I stay I'll just have more bullshit without any real pay increase
>Realize that even if I manage to get an actual engineering job (between age and "lack of experience" my chances are slim) by time I'm making any real money I'll be approaching retirement
>Have gf who wants kids but knows that quality of life will be shit since more than likely will be just one income and should we break up I'll get bent over by the courts
>Can't hero myself due to family and political reasons
>Can't just move due to financial reasons and "muh responsibility"
How TF do normal people deal with midlife crises?
@Ardentwolf what being something like an electrician? They are well paying. Ask your gf if she could get a job while you go to college
Or maybe see if you could get an apprenticeship in whatever job you want to do
I've toyed with it but that would take even longer to finish (local electrician apprenticeship program is like 5 years)
You'd still get payed tho
I mean ideally I get out of my state (NY) so while yeah I could make some money short term it would end up being the same situation as the engineer only I would make significantly less
Look in other nearby states and see if there is a demand for any jobs
Sorry not good at green text but it’s important
>be me
>kissless virgin
>get first gf
>in the same classes
>ask her on a date
>date 1:dance
>she doesn’t like to dance so we just talk for a couple of hours
>we end up moving in class to sit next to each other
>teachers don’t give a shit
>date 2:during lunch a brought her to the mall near the school
>need to go through a romantic forest to get to mall and back
>we end up picking up ice cream since we weren’t that hungry
>we talk more and more
>help her when she needs help in math
>we even get the occasional “u are such a cute couple”
>end of school
>I get good marks
>she has to go to summer school for science
>makes it tough to meet
>summer school ends
>date 3: we go to the movies
>mama Mia 2
>too chicken to rap my arm around her
>notice her budging and moving around
>now that I think of it she might have been trying to give me a hint that it’s the right time to do the arm thing
>talk after the movie
>have to go on vacation with family for a week
>get back
>ask her to go to the mall for dinner and to talk
>she texts me yesterday that she wants to break up
>sais that in summer school she realized she needs to concentrate more on school and that she doesn’t have time for social stuff but still wants to be friends
>caught me off guard because we went to mama Mia 2 after summer school ended but I guessed it was true
>today she’s posting a bunch of selfies and photos with friends on social media
>mfw I realize she lied to me
>I don’t get why she did it though I thought we were good together
>had same interests
>could talk for hours
>she’s always smiling around me
>mfw I’m going down a rabbit hole
>mfw I lost my appetite
>mfw can’t sleep
>mfw I want her back
if ur reading this I miss u and want u back please
if u really are sure about not wanting to get back together at least give me the real reason for the break up
I’m not sure if any anons can get this out there maybe help me get her back
Kinda happned to me, dated a girl for a year and she bullshitted the reason why it ended.
Do u have any advice for how I could get her back