Message from @Rileygood
Discord ID: 478786686835228672
>think what to do
>leave hoping mom comes back
>check on it a few hours later
>still there, still alive and still screaming at me
>spend hours thinking about baby birb
>should I take care of it
>what would I feed it?
>how would my room mate react?
>check on it next day
>tfw I let an animal die
good, rules of nature
It would've died either way, it was to febile to even be given help
I still feel guilt
I don't like to go out of my way to interfere with nature
but if I see an injured animal I like to atleast try to help
Ah sadly you can't change what happens to a wild animal when it is abandoned
Especially when it's a baby bird
I used to intern at a vet clinic for like a year and a half
fells bad man
Humans naturally feel for most things not human
The shittiest part about putting down animals, is that every single one of them knows they are about to die.
It doesnt matter how old, what breed, hell even what species
They always know
That being said putting down an animal is 1000x easier than not putting down an animal
I've met some really stupid owners who refuse to put their animals down cause its "my daughters favorite cat" or some bullshit
Imagine watching a cat litterally pissing itself to death because it has liver failure, and all you can do is pump it full of fluids and IV and stick it in a cage while it loses lbs of weight by the hour
Ah fuck man
That hit close to home
Thats a specific case btw, I remember him clearly. Cuddles, or as I liked to call him "cuddles the anti-cuddle cat" he wasn't the most friendly cat but neither would if I was in that scenario, he got pretty mello during the last day. But one thing that sticks out about cuddles case is that it was the first time I really wish an animal would just die. I remember I came into the holding area and saw him lying lifeless in his cage and I thought to myself "Please be dead, please just be dead cuddles." but alas when I came to the cage the stuborn bastard poked his little head up and slowly opened his eyes to tell me wasnt dead
"Air Traffic Control, this is Rich requesting flyby."
"Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full."
"...I'm gonna call it a night and take a nose dive"
"I just want you to whisper sweet nothings into my ear"
This image is such an a e s t h e t i c Background
I love aesthetic shit