Message from @noobypropmaker

Discord ID: 569370948310925331

2019-04-21 02:44:42 UTC  

`I'm joking don't have her become a swinger`

2019-04-21 02:44:56 UTC  

What well damn?

2019-04-21 02:45:21 UTC  

What well damn nibblar

2019-04-21 02:45:28 UTC  

Dropping some truth bombs

2019-04-21 02:47:00 UTC  

I'm not trynna be a dick here but there's hardly anything we can do

2019-04-21 02:48:01 UTC  


2019-04-21 02:48:20 UTC  

And again just been in a dickish mood for some reason idk why

2019-04-21 02:48:35 UTC  

Guess I'm just tired from the traffic

2019-04-21 02:49:00 UTC  

Hopefully she'll find someone can do some kinky shits together

2019-04-21 02:49:39 UTC  

Or just get a regular one and convince him to try some kinky shits she's into idk

2019-04-21 02:51:25 UTC  

Yeah so

2019-04-21 02:52:01 UTC  

Wish her good luck I guess

2019-04-21 03:20:00 UTC  

Thanks and sorry my internet fucked up on me

2019-04-21 03:20:40 UTC  

I dont want her to be preyed upon by some freaks ...

2019-04-21 03:33:02 UTC  


2019-04-21 03:33:27 UTC  

But like corin said if her kinks are that specific it's gonna be difficult finding someone for a while

2019-04-21 03:34:14 UTC  

So they'll need to either A. Find someone willing to experiment, B. Get rid of some kinks (easiest one to do) or C. Lower there standards

2019-04-21 03:46:42 UTC  

Damn, Coal. It's like a new relationship thing with you every week.

2019-04-21 03:46:47 UTC  

No offense

2019-04-21 03:48:10 UTC  

Me and her arent a thing Im just asking you guys your opinion

2019-04-21 03:56:52 UTC  

Feel like coal is the protagonist in a gta game and is doing strangers and freaks missions until the next main story mission

2019-04-21 04:48:15 UTC  


2019-04-21 04:48:20 UTC  

that's fucking awesome

2019-04-21 05:12:23 UTC  


2019-04-21 05:12:25 UTC  


2019-04-21 05:12:30 UTC  

Thats fucking amazing

2019-04-21 05:12:42 UTC  

Every time im just like "Shit here we go again"

2019-04-21 05:12:56 UTC  

Im jsut a sucker for helping people

2019-04-21 05:25:35 UTC  

Tbh imo it's if you want to help people

2019-04-21 05:25:56 UTC  

Don't think of it as a bad trait because some bad people take advantage of it

2019-04-21 05:28:19 UTC  

Learn to not get taken advantage of for kindness

2019-04-21 05:30:24 UTC  

Alright bois, I'm gonna lay some hard shit on you

2019-04-21 05:37:45 UTC  


2019-04-21 05:45:28 UTC  

Ever since I've got back to the states I've felt empty as shit and even though I live quote 'The American dream' with home ownership and a beautiful wife, its like I'm living in a shitty groundhog day. I get up, and since I had a combat job I work a shitty job working with airplanes, get shit on by my boss for not knowing how to do every little thing, make less than my wife and have to watch her live my dream. I don't want to kill myself but I am hitting the bottle way to hard and I recognize it but don't seem to care enough to stop. We don't really have sex anymore and I find myself masturbating 3 or 4 times a day when I don't work and she isn't home, just to get a dopamine rush. I go to work drunk sometimes and nobody really says anything because they feel uncomfortable or some shit. I have one close friend now and even he seems to want out of my life, so I'm stuck sitting in front of a monitor hoping for validation from internet people. I've probably got another 40 or 50 years left, but sometimes I wish it would just end sooner. Now that I have time off most days I get up at like 8:30 and have my first drink around 9. Drink all day and then argue with the wife when she comes home. We haven't gone to bed at the same time in about a month and a half because of this shit. I'm afraid of losing my guns because the last time I went to the VA and talked with a psychiatrist she called my wife and suggested hiding the firearms, to which my wife let a friend take them for a couple weeks. The only time I feel truly happy is when my younger brother comes and visits and we go out and do shit, but he has to live his own life too and can't constantly come looking after me. I'm tired of not getting a full nights sleep because I wake up in cold sweats, and then falling asleep at random points during the day.

2019-04-21 05:45:30 UTC  

My office smells fucking terrible because raccoons were raised in it beforehand, no matter how much I try and clean it. I can't even muster the motivation to pick up the deadfall from around my yard. Firewood goes unchopped and my wife has become more like my caretaker it seems. Even hunting has lost its joy for me, because it just becomes another task. The buck fever I used to get is gone, and I simply line up whatever I'm shooting and squeeze the trigger, hoping it'll drop easily so I can go back home and sit in front of the idiot box for another hour with my drink. Sorry for all this fag shit, just something that's been on my mind for a while and you all are

2019-04-21 05:45:48 UTC  

some real niggas who also don't know me so maybe you can give me an outside perspective.

2019-04-21 05:56:30 UTC  

maybe im drunk

2019-04-21 05:56:33 UTC  


2019-04-21 05:56:38 UTC  

you're a man

2019-04-21 05:56:45 UTC  

you deserve way fucking better

2019-04-21 05:57:03 UTC  

you serverd in the fucking military for fuck sakes