Message from @ghostshark
Discord ID: 593123156340768768
She was sedated and put into a room with a cutter, a guy who threatened her and all sortso f shit
And then theres edgy assholes like this
He is dead
police just confirmed it
Had a feeling i was right
I hope he rests in peace.
R.I.P. etika
Never got to play as banjo damn it
No sympathy for the ones who end their own lives, at least not from me
Lived as a bro, died as a fucking coward
Well keep in mind he wasn't mentally sound
nahh, everyone can get sick from anything
if you get sick from the brain you don't lay about waiting for it to get to the ultimate consequences you seek help
no one really snaps from nowhere, and the ones that do, can't really make the decision themselves
it's a gradual process
much like alzheimer
Im on the same boat as tersh just not in the same section
yes suicides a cowards way out but for him he might have not seen any other options since the help he tried getting gave up on him so many times
get professional help then
i just can't understand why anyone would do that
He had proffessional help, they just didnt help him
ah Dammit
I'll pour out a beer in his honor
Never knew the dude
But mental illness, suicide and depression are the highest they've ever been
What coal said, he was admitted to a sike ward multiple times and they didn't do shit
It sucks when it affects anyone. Especially someone beloved by his fans.
still, i can't wrap my head around how someone would ice themselves
i have seen people fight for their lives, fought for mine fucking twice
saw many of the people who did chemo with me in 2017 pass away
I can sort of understand it.