Message from @SheepTeeth

Discord ID: 661430319429189667

2019-12-31 04:41:54 UTC  

The worst part is, cause of her mom's fuckin wagie government job her whole family can get sent permanently to a province on the other side of the country in a week's notice

2019-12-31 04:41:57 UTC  

Yeah she is

2019-12-31 04:42:15 UTC  

I'm assuming this is something related to parent-child abuse

2019-12-31 04:42:32 UTC  

Her mom is a fucking cuntnigger and I hate her

2019-12-31 04:42:53 UTC  

She does horrible shit to my gf and justifies it with "she's tough she can handle it"

2019-12-31 04:42:57 UTC  


2019-12-31 04:43:16 UTC  

She kicks her out without boots or a coat in the middle of winter

2019-12-31 04:43:30 UTC  

Throws away her belongings at will over stupid shit

2019-12-31 04:43:46 UTC  

Get her out

2019-12-31 04:43:54 UTC  

I'm trying to

2019-12-31 04:43:58 UTC  

Or start working on getting her out

2019-12-31 04:44:30 UTC  

My gf has had to hide the fact I bought her a galaxy s5 for Christmas cause her mom will just break it

2019-12-31 04:45:06 UTC  

idk about the procedures in Canada, but try to contact a shelter or agency that offers help with legal procedures and abusive homes

2019-12-31 04:45:22 UTC  

She wouldn't agree to it

2019-12-31 04:45:39 UTC  

Despite all of this she has some moral obligation to make sure her sister is okay

2019-12-31 04:45:51 UTC  

So unless the dad stops being a cuck and takes custody

2019-12-31 04:46:18 UTC  

Then get both her and her sister out; don't worry about the ramifications against the mom, she made her own bed and she can fucking lay in it

2019-12-31 04:46:46 UTC  

The issue is, the sister is a freshman and has no way to support herself

2019-12-31 04:47:07 UTC  

And the dad is being pussywhipped by the step mom into abandoning his kids in favor of hers

2019-12-31 04:47:19 UTC  

Sounds like she's got physical abuse, emotional manipulation and physical neglect going on

2019-12-31 04:47:56 UTC  

She might not have a way to support herself, but there are resources out there that should be able to at least get her into a foster home/temporary housing to get her and her sister away from it

2019-12-31 04:48:13 UTC  

She would never agree to that

2019-12-31 04:48:27 UTC  

I don't think she would have much choice as a minor

2019-12-31 04:49:03 UTC  

I guess

2019-12-31 04:49:14 UTC  

I don't want to put her sister into a worse situation

2019-12-31 04:50:06 UTC  

Part of the problem with an abusive relationship like that is the parent is obviously manipulating her into staying with the threat of her sister being harmed/treated as badly, but she also needs to understand that her mom isn't just going to stop treating her kids like shit when they grow up and leave

2019-12-31 04:50:37 UTC  

I'm gonna talk to her about it

2019-12-31 04:50:49 UTC  

I'm gonna see if she could live with me

2019-12-31 04:51:16 UTC  

Because my house is fairly big, even for Canada standards (but it's built like shit)

2019-12-31 04:51:30 UTC  

And I don't see any better alternative

2019-12-31 04:52:37 UTC  

Ok but you also need to understand that from a legal perspective, if she doesn't start filing paperwork/start getting stuff down on paper that she is being physically abused and needs to leave, you could potentially be seen as a kidnapper OR she could be physically removed and brought back to her mom by the authorities since she is still a minor

2019-12-31 04:52:54 UTC  

It's a little different in canada

2019-12-31 04:53:12 UTC  

It also depends on the province

2019-12-31 04:53:19 UTC  


2019-12-31 04:53:42 UTC  

I'm not familiar with Ontario; lived in BC for a year so more familiar with that province

2019-12-31 04:54:04 UTC  

Ontario is a cucked province

2019-12-31 04:54:08 UTC  

It is

2019-12-31 04:54:12 UTC  

He'll be fucked

2019-12-31 04:54:26 UTC  

But that's like saying Trudeau's leg is a cucked limb

2019-12-31 04:54:29 UTC  

It's all cucked

2019-12-31 04:54:37 UTC  

Cucked cucked cucked cucked cucked