Message from @ihatetrainyards
Discord ID: 618115529772761108
Dude who was an excon with a heavy Lousiana accent was a good dude, and spent more time learning and working than the white hicks in the class
I live in a mostly white area so haven't really had any good or bad encounters with blacks but I was delivered by a black midwife which kinda made me realise stormfaggotry wasn't the way to go
i live in a homogenous community so i haven't seen a nigger in my life
it isn't but i'm trying to consolidate allies against the spread of Communism
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discord is being big gay
not even cool gay, the kind of gay that lies there like a fish
that's big gay
discord is being an albanian*
Even worse than a jew
Still surprised turks haven't wiped albanians from the earth
literally no one cares about them
Turks ?
Why would they wipe the Albanians
They don't even share a border
oh no wait
thinking of Armenians
inb4 "fak you serbian albania stronk"
Albanians are the real life rat people
disgusting phoneposter
inb4 whats wrong with phoneposting
wuz wrong wit phon postin
waiting 5 fucking years for the phoneposter to reply
that's my only real problem with phoneposters
but people who phonepost on imageboards are untermensch
Nigga I have nothing in this fucking place, computer at home doesn't work and I don't have a notebook nigga what am I supposed to do. I'm not even at home. You absolute fucking retarded burnt pretzel, not everyone is a highschool dropout without a life like you. I am here showing you what WiFi in my housing is like 90% of the time I haven't even been able to tell the context and this nigger faggot right here is acting like I didn't accept Hitler into an artschool.
its almost like they want me to become a white supremacist
>their faces when it's no country for minority children
and approach the government with the idea of creating white ethno states