Message from @Koba
Discord ID: 303710466901934080
@wyatt The Buy American, Hire American thing is like Bannon's big project
Hopefully it won't be his last
I've spent all day laughing about the itsshoahtime dox tbqh
Here's that Trad Worker Party guy knocking out an antifa with 2x4 that we were talking about earlier:
Latest CNN story rehashing that Bannon is on the ropes has a really nice white pill at the end:
"For all of the questions surrounding Bannon's future, his bond with the President seems far from irreparably frayed.
As several top advisers headed back to Washington last Friday, including chief of staff Reince Priebus, Bannon remained at Mar-a-Lago through the weekend. He flew back on Air Force One with the President, along with Stephen Miller, his top protégé in the West Wing."
yeah, if Miller and Bannon are the guys who are actually closest to him, despite the media memes, that's great
@here git up n dis herr voice chat
Why can't we see the names in this voice chat room? Whack
its just you
press the arrow
I had "hide names" turned on. No idea why
@Brad Small My state has something like 25 campuses for our free university system (CSU) and 11 campuses for our research unis (UC)
Commiewhore was on the news
comments are lit
Read down to the bottom of the page, (((National Lawyers Guild))) up to their usual jew tricks, this time partnering with BAMN and some other gommie bullshit group to provide pro bono legal services to antifa terrorists:
I think my body may start to synthesize zyklon b out of sweat and hatred
@northern_confederate nigger you have no idea
Upgraded from tranny to nigger
could've been a nigger tranny
Initiate BowlCut.exe
RWDS apotheosis will be achieved by the alt right before the decade is out
What did the communists mean by this?
Have the Jews lost control of their lemmings?