Message from @queenarchitect
Discord ID: 303722241072562176
**we're not against immigration, we're against ILLEGAL immigration** :^)
@badtanman who's rachel?
jefferey collenberg
name of the jew
rachel goswell from slowdive
aka second best girl after potato queen
@badtanman :^ )
Wew lad
James Grazioplene charged with 6 counts of rape of minors
Pedogate beginning?
koba explain yourself
Retired General and former DynCorp vp
I followed those pedogate threads
This has some legitimacy
mfw sargon of fucking akkad is more reasonable (lel) than cf
There's been a fuck ton of pedo related arrests since trump got in
According to CNN, Davis’ last meal was ‘fried chicken, rolls, great northern beans, mashed potatoes and strawberry cake.’
I'm going to start doing death row last meals
D A Y . O F . T H E . W E D G I E.
They conveniently left out being communists.
Good luck guys. I wish i could be there. If it were auburn washington, I could be