Message from @Vanguard

Discord ID: 306959873466302464

2017-04-27 01:07:26 UTC  

my sister said he lost thats what he did wrong

2017-04-27 01:07:27 UTC  


2017-04-27 01:07:28 UTC  

I thought pajeets were less prevalent in banking as there's a lot of social interaction required but maybe I'm wrong

2017-04-27 01:07:32 UTC  


2017-04-27 01:07:39 UTC  


2017-04-27 01:07:42 UTC  
2017-04-27 01:07:46 UTC  

they also cant shake the reek

2017-04-27 01:07:48 UTC  

pajeets can be high verbal IQ

2017-04-27 01:07:50 UTC  

true but this may be a high functioning Pajeet

2017-04-27 01:07:54 UTC  

and bankers are less ok with shit stank

2017-04-27 01:08:02 UTC  

even the high verbal IQ pajeets are just so... unpleasant

2017-04-27 01:08:10 UTC  

I went to the congressional building in DC, there were more pajeets than blacks as aides

2017-04-27 01:08:12 UTC  

I think the guy is in the Hong Kong office which is fucking neverland

2017-04-27 01:08:12 UTC  

like you're making all the correct motions but you're still ugly and smelly and awkward

2017-04-27 01:08:22 UTC  


2017-04-27 01:08:31 UTC  

buy a maserati and get lit on booze coke and whores and then crash it/leave it on side of road

2017-04-27 01:08:33 UTC  

lupus, thats not much of a comparison

2017-04-27 01:08:41 UTC  


2017-04-27 01:08:50 UTC  

and like 10% of pajeets are muzzie

2017-04-27 01:08:56 UTC  

my mom did talk about how degenerate and angry the video of bill nye made her

2017-04-27 01:08:59 UTC  

pakistanis are pajeet muzzies

2017-04-27 01:09:01 UTC  


2017-04-27 01:09:15 UTC  

I'm choking to death on black pills, I'm grasping at straws.

2017-04-27 01:09:20 UTC  

Hearing those bits from the new Nye show on TDS made me furious.

2017-04-27 01:09:26 UTC  

Black Bills have hit me hard as fuck lately

2017-04-27 01:09:30 UTC  

leftists are choking on black pills man

2017-04-27 01:09:42 UTC  

I almost kind of know what they feel like

2017-04-27 01:09:47 UTC  

go look at a leftist's twitter feed, they think its all ending

2017-04-27 01:09:55 UTC  


2017-04-27 01:10:07 UTC  

We're not getting our wall even

2017-04-27 01:10:12 UTC  

the ones who support antifa see them as a last kamikazee force before it all goes to shit

2017-04-27 01:10:13 UTC  

yeah I get it but I am a macro thinking guy and I try to run math on shit and I get rustled by demographic shifts and stuff

2017-04-27 01:10:20 UTC  

they dont expect anything good to happen

2017-04-27 01:10:21 UTC  

eh they are doing the proto build now

2017-04-27 01:10:31 UTC  

to be fair you just can't chuck one up

2017-04-27 01:10:46 UTC  

they are building like 8 prototypes in CA desert

2017-04-27 01:10:52 UTC  

i believe in the wall, but without mass deportation its just putting a bandaid on an infected wound

2017-04-27 01:11:04 UTC  

watch leftists sperg at the protypes and get mowed down by state police

2017-04-27 01:11:16 UTC  

i care more about the deporatation

2017-04-27 01:11:19 UTC  

Ive pretty much resigned his presidency to failure