Message from @Sav
Discord ID: 619597468719644702
The arab world would be in a much better spot todsy without islam
The Arab world would be in a much better spot today withouth Arabs
Hellenization shouldnt have ended
S m h
If only alexander lived
Imagine alexander's macedon vs rome
That was technically a thing. Just not with Alexander
Rome owning western europe, alexander the east
It was against many small.states
Big difference
Imagine imagination
Alexander's empire would've collapsed even if he lived to old age, since it was formed too fast and too large
Alexander copied the persian system
For most local governments the change would be small
So it would have been much more stable than the persian empire which was stable in itself
He had already begun many measures to make governance and logistics/bureaucracy much easier
The only threat was the threat of a bad succession like it happened irl
Or a stronger empire attacking them like india and rome (if alexanders empire was declining)
Man @anthr0pos will be so pissed when he sees a 200+ message long conversation in <#604498949784469534>
@Deleted User not that long
And I approve it
Bruh moment
Or rather
Questo onestamente
Esto honestamente
I don't know it in any other romance language
acest se spum drept
I think that's what it would be in Romanian
Oh I know latin ofc
Hoc honeste
I think "meme" would be considered a neutral noun