Message from @Hand Banana
Discord ID: 308493271200563212
he lived in the complex it happened in
i guess only one died, unfortunate
Should of got off his lawn.
>I think you should read this book, SwiFT. I think it will open your mind to new views
>It's "Guns Germs and Steel"
Looks like nose job
It was
But still, #DangerZone #Wolverines
I am shocked at the amount of white people that have literally no idea that black women wear wigs and are incapable of growing this hair.
@SwiFT There's this guy on 4chan and I don't know if he's trolling or not. He says like... "Let's post hot black women, they're my fetish."
And then he posts nothing but mongrels with white features.
And when people point it out he argues with them.
Look at these traps. That's pure testosterone. People joke that she's a man, but really it's just an African trait. Africans have super high test. Part of the reason they are so emotionally reactive
She might be like that sprinter woman with internal testes.
delet this
damn she hot af
who is that
White AF music video
It is weird with the nigger women and the fake hair. You know "real" Africans do it too?
In Australia we've got all these Fresh off Boat (plane) Sudanese women, we've only hate them this century.
And there's already weave shops everywhere.
Weave shops and black hairdressers are basically their only businesses.
It has to be for our benefit because their men obviously know what their real hair is like.
Well, their men are attracted to white hair
Every race is attracted to white women
I don't know if I accept that as a reason, though. It doesn't seem like they have to work hard to get the interest of their own men.