Message from @FemaCampBandLeader-CA
Discord ID: 311725918735564801
minus the undesirables being hung
I always take the wrong lesson from movies anyways
"just in the feels"
i see my hair
or lack there of
Not good
No hair should be visible if the hijab is wrapped halal-ly
Insha allah
still funny as fuck
are these media companies actually /ourguys/ they keep putting these dindus up against spencer and he keeps btfoing them.
@FemaCampBandLeader-CA berkely loolol
I'm seeing snippets of a RS interview with two black dudes, does anyone have the link to the original?
Ate light taco bell, forgive me for I have sinned
Late night
Crunchwrap or grilled stuft?
u trying to get e coli
E coli may keep the body trim
Got crunch wraps but tbh havent had t bell in like over a year its chill