Message from @Dave
Discord ID: 315232434423726082
need being the operative word
>we're run by jews
thats a pretty good idea actually
I've learned the hard way
I could just use a beater to get to and from work
and get a fun car for non work stuffs
it's stressful as fuck to work on something with the pressure that it needs to be put back together and working at the end of the day
Just ask questions dude.
it can be a beater, but make sure it's a good beater. Like an old jap car or something
and don't be afriad to ask questions
Salty will give you serious advice and pretend I didn't run million dollar car repair shops and JIm will chime in hoping to get a word it. It's good radio
song of the summer right here fam
only true form of dance
@badtanman if you keep posting cute french singers that are bad at dancing I will be forced to kill myself
oh well
guess ill just have to
thank you
my heart is on the brink of failure
it can't take anymore
yeah I had to take the day off to make sure itd be good to go for tomorrow
have my ccna tomorrow
saw you on tinder once, swiped left
if thats you I truly have no friends in the world
is that u mark di stefano?
im in bed reading (v esoteric meme only a handful of ppl will understand)
i do not get this meme
@queenarchitect would
wat r u readin m8?
This is making me so happy right now.
it says banjo cover but two of those 3 people don't have banjos
i never liked metallica because my brother showed me diecast and insomnium when I was 7 so I never was impressed by their sound