Message from @Athena Marie
Discord ID: 315635494014812160
To recruit other women to white sharia
There are several items that should not be granted regardless ofpermission
And point out cucks for my husband to skull fuck
Women on the internet is one of those
Traditionalist > Allowing husband to thot out
Only a weak woman allows a husband to thot out
A cuckqueen
Thot out? Skull fuck means to murder
@SledgeHammer - wtf... settle
I'm tired of white people larping as muslims
Raping white women isnt fucking funny
Maybe if your a fucking nigger it is
Hey @Athena Marie
I only hold the opinions that Lord Sacco has given me. If you have a disagreement with me, please take it up with him.
Hey @MsNatSocialist
It's totally beta to not want your wife to get raped right
Thank you for following me on Twitter. Lovely to finally speak to you.
Totally beta to want women to join our movement and be more afraid of us than they are of muslims
It's totally beta to act like a fucking white man
And not like a fucking nigger
I hate muslims
He gives me purpose in life
And anything Islamic related
Your white muslims
@Brad's mobile - ensure me that you'll give me a firm hand when I disrespect you, right?
The best day of my life was when @SaccoVandal put a burka on me
He saved me and gave me purpose
Every day I wake up and thank him for including me in his life
I'm so happy I've met someone in full support of white Sharia baby.
Good girl
so did we meme brad into dating you?
Looks like the verdict is in, 3Ds love the moderate whislam
@queenarchitect yes he fixed his sinking boat
did he dump his sleazy girl for you
Yeah, you did @queenarchitect
Yes, he did.
@Brad's mobile now you're a good person
Good grills all around