Message from @Koba
Discord ID: 315658032367403019
its asian
is that brads qt?
Yeah m8
So, @MsNatSocialist what are your thoughts on White Sharia again?
congrats man @Brad Small
@Athena Marie is a jewish plant
@Athena Marie is a race traitor with a spaghetti nigger escuzzi
and clearly not a supporter of white sharia
because shes
>has internet access
>has electricity
>can use electronics
So far @Koba has called Sacco an imposter, his wife a whore, jewish plant who should be stoned. Really?
yeah, Im a full supporter of white sharia, and clearly under white sharia women have no rights and are the property of men
id fisticuff sacco and win with both hands and my left leg tied behind my back with my own intestines
and if you let yourself be allowed to do that youre clearly not white sharia material
I apologize for triggerin you into such an emotional state @Koba . As I have told you before, my only opinions are the ones that Sacco has given me. If you have an arguement then perhaps you should take it up with him.
sacco is fake and gay
and not alt right
and not white
and jewish
Convo WTf you tlaking avoyut dude these lovely young african / muslim men gonna pay my pension!
White Sharia is perfect @Athena Marie
you're perfect
for me
we're perfect
`t h i r s t`
Convo, stop thirsting after Brad's girl
there are too many fucking women on this server
i'd root yankee she thicc
@Yankee your name is wrong