Message from @Dinosorcerer
Discord ID: 485844380188540930
They dropped them almost immediately after it was pointed out.
I do wonder where else one might get such stickers.
I'm willing to bet you could find them on Redbubble with no trouble at all
How the hell did they miss that?
@xurious you get circle circle dot doted?
Who is xurious?
@ebowden hes a rightwing electric music maker
Metokur was suspended and his youtube struck because a pedophile got triggered?
Does his Twitter suspension still stand?
Not sure
It still does.
a totally organic hashtag, we swear
🇼 🇠🇾
it jumps at 0:30 it looks kinda fake?
yeah. you can see him take his foot out of the sandal and there's no hole
So close and yet so far
@ebowden that mundane Matt tweet about Jews is a real tweet
I knew he tweeted a bunch of weird shit, but I never saw those lol
Its the other way around. Has she never heard of skin whitening products?
Melatonin is a sleep hormone.
This woman is retarded.