Message from @Dinosorcerer

Discord ID: 448281292656738314

2018-05-21 07:13:30 UTC  

Well I was half way done then I freaking lost most the work.

2018-05-21 07:14:01 UTC  

It's something like that. Working title: "My two and a half year old child has become a toxic male"

2018-05-21 17:53:12 UTC  


2018-05-21 17:53:21 UTC  

Waking Up The West at 9pm EST tonight

2018-05-21 17:53:34 UTC  


2018-05-21 23:17:17 UTC  

Grimdarkest timeline It's not the death throes. There's twenty years until that. It won't die fast. That would be a mercy. It will be slow, agonizing. Stripped away piece by piece. This is merely the declaration that ruining forces have begun exerting control of GW. It's a declaration of murderous intent.

2018-05-22 00:02:02 UTC  

Not all is well in the House of Games Workshop. Save all you can from the before times, it's all downhill from here.

2018-05-22 00:04:58 UTC  

On a lighter note, I love how one of the characters is the son of a loyal Guard officer who ran away from home to escape conscription, and ended up in a hive gang. Not realizing that Hive gangs are in fact prime recruiting/ shanghaiing grounds for the Guard. If some arbite arrests him and decides to put him into a penal legion, it'll be too good for the little shit.

2018-05-22 00:07:56 UTC  

I thought the gangs were also prime recruiting for the space marines.

2018-05-22 00:15:53 UTC  

that too, but going off of raw numbers, you're far more likely to be forcefully conscripted as a Guardsman.

2018-05-22 00:19:07 UTC  

oh god. the 40k ones are going up against the Necrons.

2018-05-22 00:23:02 UTC

2018-05-22 00:28:44 UTC  

The flayed ones. The FLAYED ones.

2018-05-22 00:29:06 UTC  

Why doen't they just publish "My First Game of Thrones."

2018-05-22 00:29:26 UTC  

because they don't own that property

2018-05-22 00:29:37 UTC  

I know that.

2018-05-22 00:29:48 UTC  

they would if they could

2018-05-22 00:30:01 UTC  

It was just a similarly idiotic comparison.

2018-05-22 02:28:17 UTC

2018-05-22 02:28:26 UTC

2018-05-22 02:29:05 UTC

2018-05-22 02:29:09 UTC

2018-05-22 02:54:35 UTC  

Alright. Now that WUTW is done I'm doing to talk about that project I'm working on. The plan is to do something like this

2018-05-22 03:00:08 UTC  

I wrote an article about a parent who tried to raise their son to not be toxically masculine. Only to discover boys will be boys. I'd like to try to get it published somewhere. I'd like the feedback of you degenerates.

2018-05-22 03:01:46 UTC  

Toxic masculinity is one of many made up jew bullshit catch phrases designed to tear us down

2018-05-22 03:04:34 UTC  

I'd give it a once over, if you wanna link.

I'm procrastinating from doing invoices, I don't want to be paid promptly I guess.

2018-05-22 03:05:01 UTC  

Ima post it in here.

2018-05-22 03:05:22 UTC  

It's gonna be a few large posts.

2018-05-22 03:05:22 UTC  

I'll be loitering

2018-05-22 03:05:50 UTC  

This is a rough draft of course. Hasn't even been fully spell checked yet.

2018-05-22 03:06:18 UTC  

That a good sleeping pupper!

2018-05-22 03:07:54 UTC  

The click baitey title would be something along the lines of "My two and a half year-old son is a toxic male."

2018-05-22 03:07:57 UTC  

here we go

2018-05-22 03:08:03 UTC  

Despite my partner and I giving him a kind a nurturing upbringing. Our two and a half year old child has turned into a toxic male. I considered my child <Jamie (possibly find a more gender neutral name)> one of the best things that ever happened to me. Always full of life, love, cuddles and kisses. Up until recently he's been a perfect child. Just wonderful. Just a few months ago though, things began to change. Now my son has become as toxic as a toddler can possibly be.

My partner and I have long been aware of the damage toxic masculinity has caused to the world since the agricultural revolution, and possibly much longer. So when we found out we were having a bio boy we agreed <Jamie> would be raised in a mindful and nurturing method to counteract that. We audited a couple courses each on child psychology, read even more than usual, and endlessly discussed our responses to typical and atypical childhood incidents.

Since the day of our child’s birth we strove to make sure he nurtured and emotionally validated. I can’t count the number of times the words “It’s okay to cry”, “It’s alright to be sad.” and numerous other variations on that sentiment escaped my lips.

His media consumption, toys, and even day care environment are strictly vetted. We opted for free open construction theming for most of his toys. That’s a fancy way of saying blocks, Duplo and the like. Media was pre screened with an eye for women in leadership positions, teamwork among diverse groups, nonviolent conflict resolution, and of course educational content. Our daycare providers have been several family friends who are similarly minded. People who parent mindfully, with an eye for instilling children with forward thinking values. We of course talked to them beforehand about our expectations and preapproved media selections. As a coincidental bonus, the several households <Jamie>’s had day care at all have only had bio girl children a year or two older.

2018-05-22 03:08:29 UTC  

As previously mentioned we do our best to assure <Jamie>’s every physical and emotional hurt is met with affirmation and validation. When our child falls, as toddlers are prone to do. My partner or I are at his side ready to validate his pain, or assure him there is nothing to be embarrassed about. He’s learning, and perfection is neither expected, nor required.

The result were very promising. Spectacular, even. <Jamie> was a brave, vivacious, and sensitive child. Always ready with a hello or hug for everyone he met. He loves the color pink, and is unashamed to play with dolls. He was marvelous.

The first warning flag was small. Easily ignored at the time, and alarming in retrospect. In hindsight a clear pattern of escalation from that point can be seen.

My partner works in education. A couple months back the state board of education put on a seminar about implicit racial bias in school discipline. In a shockingly relevant turn a major focus was on the disproportionate number of african descendant students given disciplinary action for loitering on school grounds. We attended as a family. Or rather my partner attended, while <Jamie> and I tagged along. During the all day meetings we hung out at a local park. <Jamie>’s most recent play obsession is a little game I like to call “Running in a circle for hours at a time.” it can be a bit exhausting for someone not gifted with the limitless energy of a toddler. So I sat on a nearby bench while <Jamie> ran.

In the course of this running <Jamie> tripped. Sprawling front first onto a sidewalk, and barely avoiding hitting his face on the cement. I prepared to rise into action when i heard a preemptive “I’m okay!” from my son as he rose from the ground.