Message from @Meme Bard
Discord ID: 530080954811809800
i hate his fake accent though. that fucking "we don't give a shit about actual trash southerners, our intended audience is people who think southerners are trash, and they won't be able to tell the difference between a caricature and reality" accent
i feel oppressed and attacked
I'm used to being the butt of yankee jokes.
caricature or not hes a bad ass mofo
I liked the villain from Far Cry 5
spoiler he sends one of his minions to allah akbar another town
thats some commitment
Is it just me, or do horror movies suck these days?
no good ones lately. i watched annabelle creation and the nun recently, and tbh they were meh.
There’s not many good horror films nowadays, but there are some good horror shows. Try watching The Haunting of Hill House. I think it’s pretty good.
also all the children born in the 20th century are adults now
that includes kids born in 1999
I feel old
Since you can join the military at the age of 17, people born after the war in Afghanistan began can now sign up to fight in that war.
happy early birthday!
Thanks, though that’s not until November
@Gator it was mostly a joke, but me and you both know a significant amount of doxing goes on in both the old and new servers.
If anyone wants a decent CAD program.
People are subscribing to Daily Groyper
Where are the shows
I haven't seen any stream updates lately
he must have privated them
and he’s off until like spring
he’s moving to chile and his internet is spotty
Oh I figured question would keep doing it
in the meantime he’s training with BAP to combat the hordes of lena dunham clones and turkish oil wrestlers
Isn't Orwell moving to the US?
not right now
whats up guys?
Not much.
just came out from a shower after jumping rope
it’s good for cardio but my rope sucks