Message from @Botchan
Discord ID: 495791501284999178
So mentioning Coke to Obama if indeed about energy represents power unleashed instead of smothered, if not a joke about Obama's nose candy 🤷🏼
MEME WARS BEGIN IN 30 minutes!!! Bring out your best stuff!! Memers! Tonight is the night! The Red October Meme War will launch! 10 pm EST - unleash the memes!! Subjects of focus - MidTerm Elections! Every meme from here until November, should have the hashtag RedOctober on them! Let's do this. Q has asked us to do this. WE are the Meme Warfare server for a reason. Memes are all we do. We are in this to WIN this. PatriotsFight Patriots Effecting Change MidTerms VoteRed are also good hashes to add to RedOctober. Make RedOctober your focus and put it first. All right, Happy Meme Warring, troups! MAGA @here
This is pretty cool if true, I like it
James Bondish
his hair is like his signature so I doubt he will change it but looks pretty amazing I think
Gotta have more hair on top to pull that off.
Congratulations @LaserTrain, you're now level 5.
From memory , we have already covered Eye the Spy correct? Larpin?
Look at the guy in the top left of the screen. FAMILIAR???
he does stick out - who do you think he is?
@ᶜʳᶦᵗᵗᶻ lots of guesses but it seems conspiracy theorists want to believe its JFK Jr
yeah - i seem to remember that being posted awhile ago too - could be worth checking
looks like the same guy
Did we ever figure out the BW mini van picture was about?
Anons are digging hard tonight
@zorro the metallurgic coal was said before discussing making export....but why mention the type of coal.
This Trump hater is now spreading FAKE Q info
Liar liar pants on fire
Tell her to show the Q post that says that
is there a voice chat live at the moment
Congratulations @BreadTwists, you're now level 2.
everybody appears to be out saturday nighting it
@BreadTwists I'm on 8chan, lots of interesting info there
10:4 I enjoy the social aspect of the chat is why I asked if anyone was on
These trolls are HILARIOUS!
@Botchan i have a hard time not bitching you out lol
@Botchan god damn you slow
Q said to trust Grassley! **MIC DROP**
@Botchan why are you so slow?
@Botchan why does it take you 20 minutes to only type 🤔 ?