Message from @stedly
Discord ID: 496340981633777678
Now that the Dems realize Kavanaugh is going to be cleared of all allegations they are beginning to shift their narrative in claiming he had a drinking problem. Fake media is all over this right now.
@Bukkakemon not the actual one playing, but it should be
55k now
@SirW00f just saw that, the #Pain grows
Yeah.... Get to the bottom of boofing, and find the ultimate jenk recipe known to man. Prison wallets unite.
What is "enhanced" vetting?
Everyone hit like on it. This is my demoralizing leftist campaign.
@stedly done
Don't follow me though. 😛
Fine slut @stedly
Good morning y'all
I gotta make my twitter account look as much lefty as possible.
Good strategy
Yep its the lefty blackpiller account.
I kneejerked when I clicked on rachel maddow follow...
Like there was an eye twitch of some nature.
stedly, u suffering from chemically induced liberalism?
Hopefully not. Someone give me a libtard looking photo.
For a header photo. Gotta make this legit.
This one good?
That one will probably give you away....
K I need a better, sirwolff sent me some that would make me even more obvious.
I don't doubt that one bit
sorry, i didn't read it properly ...i made the mistake of sending u libtard proofs
Sir woof, the go-to guy for low energy cringe memes all day......
ok, i give up on looking, stedly...unless u can get fluffy to pose for a selfie
Just find me cringy lefties on twitter, that should be good.