Message from @Playergamer
Discord ID: 288366982120734720
lmao, that's what I'm trying to avoid, I know that isn't the case so I'm hungry for the actual reason
And I can't quite seem to figure it out
Crime clusters at the ~85-90IQ range when you sample inmates
below that they get too retarded and sometimes less violent as a result
For some reason I thought it was 80-90 but eh, close enough
something like that
85 is the average black IQ. Western blacks, that is
It's something crazy like 70 for african nogs
Hispanic is a wide category and numbers are probably artificially lowered as a result
Shit we're dropping
people are getting harder to kill with medicine
the number should drop
Yeah, I'd imagine there'd be notable differences between mestizos and dark-as-fuck south americans
dem spaniard genes
spaniards basically have similar crime rates with whites as they ars smart enough to have actual jobs
I think you mean mestizos
100% spaniards are huwite
u have to separate @Charlemango
mestizo is average 5' and very stupid
shit, you're right, our retarded government calls spaniards hispanic doesn't it
hispanic = of spanish SPEAKING origin
if you identify yourself as hispanic on the census, yeah.
if ur parents speak a romantic language u probably mark hispanic
yeah they don't have hispanic on the race thing actually
even if u are fresh off the boat from portugal or spain
i forgot that census lists all hispanics as white
(btw that means hispanics are under white for crime stats)
(if they don't have a clear category to themselves)
>tfw my senpai is technically a spic
Nah, fuck it, Pinochet's at the very least honorary white
if they were to separate mestizos into a group it would rekt that chart
> people too apathetic or tarded to choose "mixed" or other as a race
"hispanic" would be right along black
hispanic "other"