Message from @Ḁ̢̧̡̝̭̀̓̇̈̑yeExEye
Discord ID: 288366641203511297
you didn't have "gangs" back then, you had "organizations" which usually had deals with each other to stay out of their business. that meant that killings were extremely rare, and when they happened, they were much worse than you see today.
compare a single drug dealer getting shot on a street with the st. valentine's day massacre.
of course, people would occasionally get in fights and shoot each other, and there were always people doing various small crime, but you didn't see the kind of gang violence we see today.
I gotcha. What I want to clear up for myself since this has been bugging me is, you agree that due to psychologic differences between the races, blacks are naturally more prone to violent crime and lower chance at financial success, right?
I believe the term is the "warrior gene" or something
kek, the "civic nationalist" we wuz all da saem meme
lmao, that's what I'm trying to avoid, I know that isn't the case so I'm hungry for the actual reason
And I can't quite seem to figure it out
Crime clusters at the ~85-90IQ range when you sample inmates
below that they get too retarded and sometimes less violent as a result
For some reason I thought it was 80-90 but eh, close enough
something like that
85 is the average black IQ. Western blacks, that is
It's something crazy like 70 for african nogs
Hispanic is a wide category and numbers are probably artificially lowered as a result
Shit we're dropping
people are getting harder to kill with medicine
Yeah, I'd imagine there'd be notable differences between mestizos and dark-as-fuck south americans
dem spaniard genes
spaniards basically have similar crime rates with whites as they ars smart enough to have actual jobs
I think you mean mestizos
i trust that fund more than the twitter paypal tbh.
100% spaniards are huwite
u have to separate @Charlemango
mestizo is average 5' and very stupid
shit, you're right, our retarded government calls spaniards hispanic doesn't it
hispanic = of spanish SPEAKING origin
if you identify yourself as hispanic on the census, yeah.
if ur parents speak a romantic language u probably mark hispanic
yeah they don't have hispanic on the race thing actually
even if u are fresh off the boat from portugal or spain
i forgot that census lists all hispanics as white
(btw that means hispanics are under white for crime stats)
(if they don't have a clear category to themselves)