Message from @Roll
Discord ID: 282769869370294272
p sure he said "compatible"
which they are, sort of
bernie is a jew
see stalinism
i dont like bernie
im a nazi confirmed
heil hortler
But yeah, fascism is basically what you get when you take all the non-Jewy parts of socialism and nationalism then mix them together
Fascism is a third positionist ideology, an authoritarian pseudo traditionalist reaction against socialism.
The rise of fascism in italy was aided by many jews
fun fact
@Chancellor ye
mussolini betrayed his jewish followers with race laws
Where's my Jew tag
@Post-Mortem Boredom Don't (((they))) also run BLM
if fascism is so jewy
@Tee CA soros does
Soros is a shit Jew though.
(((Opposing Jews in any way)))
@Post-Mortem Boredom but wouldn't he employ a certain tribe that is good at management of others
soros doesn't want others to manage
@Tee CA what the fuck are you even on about bruh. i just want to abolish age of consent thats all
that's what his people are for
@Post-Mortem Boredom Fire up the choppers brah
I don't fucking know what Soros wants.
I think he might actually believe in liberalism and globalism.
Nah, he's a Jew through and through.