Discord ID: 219685453731725312
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but there's literally no reason to go full gas the kikes
@DoctorPiss put up national vanguard posters instead
t. someone who goes to political compass threads on /b/
watch out mane, kircheis isn't here to hold him back
I'd agree if there was anything to it besides copypasting the brisk downhill jog
Trump or his successor can work out a deal with Russia about how it gets carved up
What are they even beating the war drum against Russia for
Is it just "muh crimea, muh syria, muh election, muh gays"
Well yeah, under the surface. I mean the reasons they give to normies.
I don't have a responsibility to ensure everyone lives under my favorite political system
Democracy isn't an inherent good, and neither is individual freedom
I'm not interested in killing them for freedom's sake
Good for you, there are places where you can do that
I'm just saying that whether Russia is a libertarian paradise or not is none of my concern
Best Korea is understandable because they're basically China
But our interests and Russia's interests don't collide at all
@DakGeth muh personal freedom, putin uses force so he's literally hitler
which is a bad thing for some reason- being literally hitler
Russia is happier than America, the tears of a few western leftists and degenerates notwithstanding
@Post-Mortem Boredom Authoritarian and nationalist
Honestly he's not as good as he could be but he's better than most
@Post-Mortem Boredom I go out for that though
Libertarianism produces dildos just as much as leftism does
There's a reason Trotsky was eternally butthurt about Stalin
@Chancellor but why is societal collapse a bad thing goy
societal collapse is just another word for "things hitler didn't like"
@Post-Mortem Boredom this, but ironically
You couldn't consider doing that unless your underlying morality is degenerate
if you're half white and something else you're by definition not white
the "all races are inferior to whites and have to be ovened" meme is just that- a meme
But yeah, fascism is basically what you get when you take all the non-Jewy parts of socialism and nationalism then mix them together
@Chancellor ye
@Chancellor He doesn't have the tribalism down
But he's got the self-serving, fuck the goyim I do what's best for me part
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