Message from @Post-Mortem Boredom
Discord ID: 282769377722368000
nazism is SOCIALIST
@Post-Mortem Boredom it's in the name duh
oy vey
NATIONAL socialism
oyyyy veeeeeeyyyyy
dayum commies everywhere
How do you do fellow anticom @Post-Mortem Boredom
p sure he said "compatible"
which they are, sort of
bernie is a jew
see stalinism
im a nazi confirmed
heil hortler
But yeah, fascism is basically what you get when you take all the non-Jewy parts of socialism and nationalism then mix them together
Fascism is a third positionist ideology, an authoritarian pseudo traditionalist reaction against socialism.
The rise of fascism in italy was aided by many jews
fun fact
@Chancellor ye
it's syncretic
mussolini betrayed his jewish followers with race laws
Where's my Jew tag
@Post-Mortem Boredom Don't (((they))) also run BLM
if fascism is so jewy