Message from @DoubleFreedom
Discord ID: 519299906968616970
The look when have when you hear the collapse happening and everyone else freaks out
@shadowlessnexus I'm not really getting this shit posting thing. Maybe i'm just up too late and too tired to really understand. I'll try this channel another time.
Well Its better that you Spam Here and not in Dank memes.
That was the idea
A place to post shit thats not memes or anime babes etc.
Hi i`m Ian McCallum from here at the rock island auction house.
U rite
i hate roblox but thot<roblox
@shadowlessnexus You have big gay
You just activated my trap card!
[Reveal I have all the +4 cards]
ah so you are a trap then?
yup. although theres a couple guys desperately trying to keep it about the hentais
but its falling down hard. mods are doing nothing
belverk is tho
but hes like one guy
>mfw I'm the shitposting version of feminism
thats good enough to be a meme
Hey shadow
@DoubleFreedom what
You're on candid camera!
why is his helmet like covered in cheap white wrapping paper
is he a part of the soviet union? since they got no money to just make white helmets
You missed the joke and now my autism wants to know what MG that is.