Knight of Sunlight

Discord ID: 373686736221372416

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Saw this on gab and couldn't stop laughing.

Okay, finally have the mic working

well good night

can anyone hear me?

is it static or poor quality?

not sure whats going on, the voice connection is good then turns bad the next second

yeah, my voice connection is in the red


looks like good connection this time but...

ok i'll try, also my ping is like in the 40's

okay, i hope it works this time

still not working?

i'll try one last thing then i give up.

I'llk try next round table. what times the next live stream

lol, the dave chappelle sex consent paper

thats a funny video

If i want to donate for another video then just do the same thing?

Well i'm heading off to bed soon. See yeah, nice hanging with you all.

So whats the cult meeting area for?

That Secret squirrel kind of stuff? So what's up bro.

Just looked up that adult actress "Asahi Misuno". Not a bad choice, but personally I wouldn't give my life for these women

Sup andrew, join us in Peasent Square

Hey @Happy Humble Hermit Can you make a few more subtle Mgtow T-shirts (long sleeve) if possible and I'll definitely buy a Mgtow Cup or something.

@Happy Humble Hermit I mean subtle like the samurai over crossroads t-shirt

@Happy Humble Hermit You have my money just send me heads up on it so I can get it early as possible

My sister is a graphic designer. I could pay her for it.

@Happy Humble Hermit My sister is a graphic designer, has a degree for it. She's not getting paid much since works at office max for now. lolz. The system at its finest.

@Happy Humble Hermit No problem, I'll get her info.

Normally I wouldn't care but I live near Portland OR , so yeah.

Is your current T-shirt out yet?

Nice, buying one now. Is it more expensive for you to make the shirts in different colors or does it come with the deal?

@Happy Humble Hermit By the way your latest video doesn't have the merch tag or the outro tag for the music on it.

I mean...Noice

Will it be like a mark dice or NoBullShit undercover interview?

If only your past self could see the future as it is today.

No problem, it happends

This is what happens when you compromise and let your platform turn into gossip or whatever this "late night comedy/ Politics" channel is becoming now. This was just for the shock value /revenue.

Personally for me, it was the undercover/ humor segments that brought me back. Like the illegal Mexican workers or the Gun video to see if liberals know how guns worked.

@machtyn Crowders Already having marriage issues. He's seeing a marriage consoler or therapist

Yeah he said it on the Ben Shapiro show or what ever talk they have where he's in his underwear on camera with Shapiro/

@machtyn Yes, I think it's this one.

Honestly, his content when bad after a couple too many college campus "change my mind" segments. I can't stand more then 12-15 minutes of a female yelling in the mic about random shit.

New video, Nice.


That mean you have a foot fetish?

It has been told!


Happy Humble Hermit's New Merch, check it out. I'm Buying the 5 Pack. Legend has it, if you rub it 3 times a day a cuck turns red pill.

Npc lines

Do you get any server bonuses from being a patron?

I see the Patron Tavern but thats it.

If you think about it, for a socialist society to work they need a slave class. I.E. simp male or all males according to feminism.

didn't know how many videos youtube censors until I logged into my alt account and over 90% of Hermit & Sunrises videos are gone. I was like, wth?

Everything from News, politics, and general entertainment was gone from being viewed until I undid restricted mode. Unfortunately Amy schemer wasn't censored x.x

Okay, bro.

Your content & Restricted Mode
Restricted Mode is an optional setting that has been available since 2010, and is used by a small subset of users, such as libraries, schools, and public institutions, who choose to have a more limited viewing experience on YouTube. Restricted Mode is turned off for viewers by default. Learn how to

Would you rather your child had feminism or cancer?

Sorry wrong chat

I've been messing with the voice chat

The potatoes must be harvested gentlemen.

What heck is with all the futa stuff on the TFM chat

Is call in working?

I tried to call in on my phone, did I do somthing wrong?

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