Message from @DoubleFreedom
Discord ID: 519752934167281665
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My room decoration is getting better. One more dark souls artorias wall scroll and ill be set.
what is that
is that the clip??
well It wouldn't be a mag either
maybe a drum
>What is google image search
Trust a Cuckistanian to fuck up gun parts.
....i think you meant to put denmark in there
no, finland.
right right.
also im tired of looking at this fucking dick thing
That's a funny way of saying "DM it to me, Double"
Double "Mashed Potato" Freedom
Yeah Australia doesn’t exist, I’m just the actual god Anubis who masquerades as an Australian guy because I got sick of people accusing me of lying, I created the myth of Australia so it wouldn’t run into a problem where I say I live in France then a Frenchmen is all like “hon hon baguette” and I have to make up excuses.
>Be tired of called a liar
>Create the biggest lie in human history
*Anon, I...*