Message from @Rhunespire

Discord ID: 501165172388265998

2018-10-14 22:22:20 UTC  

@Rockets I was like you once, thinking I needed to keep the family line going because of how I was raised. Then I realized that at the rate technology is advancing, transmitting the legacy of my family is no longer an issue when we can just achieve a form of functional immortality by uploading our minds and/or reducing the aging process - transhumanism idea's aside - it's your life and you must live it as you see fit, not for others who live through you vicariously.

2018-10-14 22:25:28 UTC  

something seems off about that for me

2018-10-14 22:26:10 UTC  

About what

2018-10-14 22:26:37 UTC  

well, its not about living vicariously

2018-10-14 22:26:50 UTC  

or is it?

2018-10-14 22:26:55 UTC  

I'm mulling it over

2018-10-14 22:27:06 UTC  

Okay, take your time - no rush.

2018-10-14 22:27:37 UTC  

I can see both how it is selfish, and selfless either way

2018-10-14 22:29:54 UTC  

Yep, I'm nutz. I think my the reason I can't let it go has to do with esoteric ideas

2018-10-14 22:30:10 UTC  

which lie outside of reason

2018-10-14 22:32:53 UTC  

hey guys give me your opinions

2018-10-14 22:33:26 UTC  

for the new hermit herald video, should I have a still background like the "this week in stupid" videos from sargon or should I have some gameplay in the background with the articles on top of it

2018-10-14 22:36:03 UTC  

this week in stupid, that a vid in your list?

2018-10-14 22:38:21 UTC  

from sargon

2018-10-14 22:39:16 UTC  

found it, I'd say use the background, moving stuff is for me a bit distracting if I'm supposed to be reading, unless it's a short read, then you can bounce back and forth

2018-10-14 22:40:17 UTC  

and then the game would be good candy added

2018-10-14 22:41:04 UTC  

Why not try both? Do one video with a static background as you go about your commentary and one with a dynamic background - then see what the majority of your viewers enjoy.

2018-10-14 22:41:21 UTC  

I favor both for different reasons

2018-10-14 22:47:10 UTC  

can't put duplicate videos p

2018-10-14 22:51:03 UTC  

No no, I mean two seperate videos

2018-10-14 22:51:28 UTC  

One topic covered has a static background and then the next topic try a dynamic background

2018-10-14 22:51:40 UTC  

I wasnt clear enough

2018-10-14 22:52:10 UTC  

I'm still watching one of sargon's vids, I think the background is a bit boring atm

2018-10-14 22:53:28 UTC  

I think I'll go against my initial statement, dynamic/gaming will help hold interest

2018-10-14 22:53:44 UTC  

2018-10-14 23:00:05 UTC  

The drive to continue the family line comes from my life and the family I come from, genes be damned if you will

2018-10-14 23:00:50 UTC  

if they have kids

2018-10-14 23:00:59 UTC  

and no your genes wont increase.

2018-10-14 23:01:08 UTC  

it gets halved every generation

2018-10-14 23:01:20 UTC  

Its certainly more important to me to raise a child and teach them the ways of the world, that is what is important to pass on, because that is indeed what forms the future

2018-10-14 23:02:07 UTC  

you dont have to have kids to do that. socretes didnt need to have kids for his teachings to be present even today

2018-10-14 23:02:17 UTC  


2018-10-14 23:02:33 UTC  

if you want kids. go ahead. its everybodys choice. but dont feel like you need to in order to pass on your legacy and teachings

2018-10-14 23:03:58 UTC  

It's hard to be the last one with the option, I have aging parents, a brother that married an infertile older woman, one dead brother, and I'm the last option, who's for the most part gone mgtow, although I don't consider myself one

2018-10-14 23:04:12 UTC  

yea but thats because you had the kid. if you have a kid you have that responsiblity. but not having a kid means you dont have to teach them. besides. there are plenty of orphans you can teach if you wish.

2018-10-14 23:05:11 UTC  

right, its against reason

2018-10-14 23:05:39 UTC  

you know you could just type out longer segments to avoid the spambot stopping your shit

2018-10-14 23:05:43 UTC  

@Rockets don't have a kid dude

2018-10-14 23:06:00 UTC  

its not a problem. im just giving you dem **pro tips**

2018-10-14 23:07:55 UTC  

anyway what your saying is fine and all. but the facts are still a problem. everything is exponentially more expensive now. were in a big cultural shitstorm where the values of the west are being overtaken, there are huge economic crises on the horizon. and men are basically treated like garbage. do you really want to bring a kid into that? i dont. who cares if i have a bond with the kid. the kid still has to deal with all this bullshit. at least if you adopt a kid. that kid is already here.

2018-10-14 23:08:07 UTC  

^ all of that