Message from @Roundabout Lout
Discord ID: 503408363292327937
To quote Lord Xenon of Disgaea: "I am a being of solitude."
Ok, time to ditch the phone for the keyboard, vodka is setting in
So fucking what?!? Gaming is also a cope, yet the trads still try to censor that. They try to censor porn, fetishes, violent entertainment, and any means that allow one to isolate themselves and function better alone. They want people like me to suffer in order to "man up!"
They'd rather see men suffer than find escapes or go their own way.
join the club fam @Roundabout Lout XD
Solitude vs. loneliness. I FUCKING love solitude
Exactly, I love solitude too, But traditionalists hate it.
I saw what it did to my father, and don't want the same.
If I want to hang out with my friends, I call or text them and see if they want to hang out
My friends who have families are a lot harder to do so with for obvious reasons
I had to ditch real life friends. Between the drugs, stubborn beliefs rooted in gynocentrism, self loathing, and using every one around them for various types of resources, I bowed out and went monk years before taking the red pill
A lot of us discovered MGTOW in different ways before actually knowing what it was
I'll admit I still hoped for a gf during that time, but was strong enough to say no to obvious least before it was too late.
Just that first sentence makes me cringe now :D
What heck is with all the futa stuff on the TFM chat
People being jackasses
This is why westerners suck dick at Otaku Culture.
It's takes a lot of guts and steel to go red pill. Even much more of that it takes to go black pill.
But when you are at the black pill route, you can see a better picture of what's wrong with our society as a whole. The red pill still gives a bias as it seems to just view women as the key factor and gynocentrism as the root, but it's more than that.
I respectfully disagree, those who go black pill often change their minds once a crazy chick jumps on their 🍆
Bullshit! I hope you are not confusing black pill with bloody incels.
They are two vaslty different factions.
Keep it civil gentlemen, we are here to share and learn not fight.
@Roundabout Lout do you think black pill is an advanced form of red pill, red pill regression or a lateral.
I said respectfully, I'm just sharing thoughts, no harm meant
genuinely curious.
I don't delve into black pill much. I'm in learning perspective mode.
@MufflePuff It really depends on the person I guess. My perspective was black pilled with no red pill I guess
Incels are still blue-pilled cucks crying about sex. Black pilled men are usually the ones who go full monk and ghost. It is the upgrade of a red-pill in the heirarchy. The Level 4 MGTOW are already close to black-pill realm.
I took black pill as someone who gave up on self improvement
Nihilism, basically
similar understanding here
I get what you're saying, but that would make me black pilled, as I'm waiting for hockey mask time, but I care about myself more than the extremely cynical I have personally met
That depends on which side of nihilism. If it is the neutrals, yeah, they're lazy and counterproductive, and care-free. But there is also the progressive and regressive sides. The former which I am part of, are the people who usually go solo by default and focus on themselves and their goals. Self-improvement is an important factor to the progressives. The regressives on the other hand are the ones who are bitter and spiteful of people and either lock away, suicide or go on a mass shooting spree. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold stuff at the worst case scenario. Pray you don't fall into that category, and that is what the progressive route exists for - to prevent going completely to the dark side or becoming The Joker.
Why would you give up on self-improvement my guy?
TFM Stream: never thought about that
It's not perfect and it is not for everyone but those who are vigilant and resilient enough to handle it can reap the great benefits it will sow.
Living a successful life as a single man pursuing goals and future.