Message from @Grigorow
Discord ID: 512347280007888906
If it is possible its intented
i disagree
you should be able to do what you want in a game that allows it
Yea that’s what I’m saying
but it doesnt mean it was intended
If you can feed anyone to a crocc then a suffregate is no exeption
Make her eat crayons marine style
If they want to censor a video game they can unfortunatly
yea its their game
Marine stands for ***muscles are required intelligence non essential***
I kinda dissagre
a balance between the two
is the best
i have an idea
redpill bootcamp
but it produced thot patrolls?
yes some thot police
But I got kicked out of boot camp
what why
@whyyouknowlikee i would also like to hear what happened
im done ~~lurking~~ ***playing dark souls***
I swear to god
I got a stomach virus
**for the swarm btw**
if you aint a zerg main gtfo
i dont even know wf that is
Me either
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