Message from @shadowlessnexus
Discord ID: 512350007903518732
i have an idea
redpill bootcamp
but it produced thot patrolls?
if that is the case sweet
yes some thot police
But I got kicked out of boot camp
what why
@whyyouknowlikee i would also like to hear what happened
im done ~~lurking~~ ***playing dark souls***
I swear to god
I got a stomach virus
**for the swarm btw**
if you aint a zerg main gtfo
i dont even know wf that is
Me either
Chat is **active**
Need to make more ads
***we must flood the server***
ok so ive learned today that every mod and admin is a lurker
what??? pfft no
Lol ššš
~~**lurking intensifies**~~
also zerg is a faction in starcraft
starcraft is an rts. or real time strategy game
yes i know
im not that much of a potatoe
idk man. not everyone has to know what starcraft is
the pic is a pic of a lurker. which is a zerg unit
yea that much i understand
I only played wings of liberty
what was your main faction
Welp Iām going back to work