Message from @legendpinnen

Discord ID: 514142713839616042

2018-11-19 17:46:19 UTC  

haha ill give it a shot. the other day i went to my friends house for like 2 hours and i had lil pump songs on repeat blasting super loud

2018-11-19 17:47:50 UTC  

it must not have bothered her though.

2018-11-19 17:48:10 UTC  

she has purple hair and a missing tooth lol. and has random dudes over all the time

2018-11-19 17:52:46 UTC  

@ddaavvee Not really much you can do except move. If she's not going to change and you're not going to kill it then the easiest solution is to stop hearing it. Maybe some soundproofing headphones, ear plugs or sound proofing the room. Sounds like she's not violating any rights.

2018-11-19 17:53:07 UTC  

I love animals, but if it were a real issue for me, I would seriously consider solving the problem with special treats.

2018-11-19 17:55:57 UTC  

Another solution is to get friendly with the dog, then take it to another side of town when she's not looking.

2018-11-19 17:56:41 UTC  

lmfao i like that idea

2018-11-19 17:57:34 UTC  

That's what a friend of mine did. Took the dumbasss dog to the pound and left it there.

2018-11-19 17:57:54 UTC  

It got adopted by someone else lol

2018-11-19 17:58:42 UTC  

i actually really like that idea haha. i think it has an electric fence collar on though so ill have to see how to take that off

2018-11-19 17:59:44 UTC  

Just get friendly with the neighbor. Pet the dog while she's out with it. That way you can get a close up look at the collar and she won't suspect you when the deed is done.

2018-11-19 18:00:42 UTC  

shes never out with it. she doesnt pay any attention to it. but ill go over there and pet him. thanks for the idea haha

2018-11-19 18:04:13 UTC  

could i go to jail or anything if i get caught lol. the dog is huge

2018-11-19 18:05:43 UTC  

Maybe, if she makes a complaint about you.

2018-11-19 18:06:30 UTC  

So i looked it up. They call them dog silencers.

2018-11-19 18:06:53 UTC  

They emit a sound every time it detects the dog barking.

2018-11-19 18:07:06 UTC  

supposed to train the dog not to bark.

2018-11-19 18:15:30 UTC  

this time is supposed to be active wtf happened

2018-11-19 18:16:15 UTC  

Maybe people are just sick of ur shit

2018-11-19 18:16:43 UTC  

Also it is a Monday. Mondays suck

2018-11-19 18:19:35 UTC  

Ok ill say this.
I only notice when i go to far a while after it happened so please tell me when i fuck up.

2018-11-19 18:20:17 UTC  

Don't worry about it your good

2018-11-19 18:20:23 UTC  

I'm just fucking with you

2018-11-19 18:20:51 UTC  

I just had to get that off my chest

2018-11-19 18:21:23 UTC  

You should dm him that

2018-11-19 18:21:44 UTC  

i was going to but i thought id just include it now

2018-11-19 18:25:23 UTC  

I got no real problem with you.

2018-11-19 18:25:51 UTC  

Also people don't think cause I'm admin now you have to suck up to me or something. Miss me. With that gay shit.

2018-11-19 18:33:48 UTC  

discord server admin what authority is that xD

2018-11-19 18:34:34 UTC  

asked my sister why she actually wanted a baby - she got as far as "i dont know it's just something you do when you want to show that you love your partner" - then i asked her "you don't need a baby to show someone that you love them, is there any other reason you want a baby?"

2018-11-19 18:34:40 UTC  

i then got roasted

2018-11-19 18:34:54 UTC  

apparently i'm really hard to have a conversation with and argumentative

2018-11-19 18:35:08 UTC  


2018-11-19 18:35:16 UTC  


2018-11-19 18:35:23 UTC  

sister, aunt and mum all had a go at me

2018-11-19 18:35:49 UTC  

all are your female family members.. really makes you think

2018-11-19 18:36:33 UTC  


2018-11-19 18:36:40 UTC  

protection by the collective of one of their own it sounds like

2018-11-19 18:36:52 UTC  

similar to the borg

2018-11-19 18:37:02 UTC  

i gotso angry, idk why im asking these questions knowing that they're going to get angry

2018-11-19 18:37:07 UTC  

but it's interesting to see how they reason