Message from @shadowlessnexus
Discord ID: 521827749623758858
Well, my friends and I are making a game, and we still need a few programmers.
Getting a shitjob to fund myself comes first.
What’s the game about
@Belverk check out freeCodeCamp - very fun and thorough curriculum for web dev
Would you perhaps be interested?
@VenomousHawk86 Turn based RPG
You can't afford me.
Even at 2nd year engineering uni my pay should be $2200/m
@Zazikiman oh hey. you here too. i didnt see you there.
*Das a lot of money*
@Belverk that's wack dude, i don't have a degree and i'm at 3.5k a month...
Yeah thanks for posting that invite @shadowlessnexus
that's just starting, after 90 days i should be getting a raise
I know I'm underbidding on purpose
oh ok
who is the creator of crayola?
next question
yeah, it's good you're going for anything - so many ppl are too stubborn to work for anything that they thnk they're over qualified for
I have the powerrrr! Power to do what exactly?
@shadowlessnexus have you got a portfolio site or any personal projects you've made while at uni?
i have some projects..
who invented ink?
also, can you give me some tips - i'm doing cs next year
what projects senpai
why does the sky blue?
because jesus
Ink invented by octopuses
.... hold on
the sky is blue because of pollution, naturally it is white