Message from @queenarchitect
Discord ID: 332550913652817932
this is a very deep piece of art u probably dont understand it smfh
you see the message its trying to convey is that drumpf is dumb
and bannon is feeding him lies
not that i would expect some silly chud like u to understand hehe
That got deleted within 30 seconds of me posting it
openly advising white men to rape white women in gangs is a-ok but god forbid any violence with the goal of furthering political goals is promoted
hold on gray
isnt trumps presedential salary $1?
Yes because he donates the rest of it
well whats a presidential salary supposed to be?
I think orignally 100,000
i bet $100,000 was a lot back in 1792
it's 400k
the number has changed i think since the founding
I looked it up because there's no way it started at 100k, it was 25k and that was a lot
i'm surprised they haven't increased it for themselves lately to hide the fact they get so much from lobbyists
I mean, have there really ever been any low net worth presidents?
probably not, especially now that it costs millions of dollars to run a campaign
and if you don't want to be a bought candidate you need to be independently wealthy like trump
but yeah most presidents had land or money i guess
I plugged the 1908 salary update ($75,000) into the CPI inflation calculator (starts in 1913 with the (((fed)))) and got $1,854,000
so they made more with less lol
yes the value of the dollar was relatively stable before the fed so officials saw real increases periodically from 25k all the way up to 75k, then the fed and all future increases were illusory
@here anyone wanna hop on voice?
looks german to be tbh