Message from @northern_confederate
Discord ID: 339498956490801152
philly is building a new central business district
oy vey gentrification
this is still funny
Trump disses Sessions, again, with only Jews and Shabbos goys in the room
@badtanman explain yourself
My thread with all the info on Trump-Sessions. Word is Sessions will never resign
serious question, do we have a historian documenting the alt-right
from the nrx and ancap days
one that is echoing and kvetching
Pleiadians, also known as Nordic aliens, are humanoid aliens that come from the stellar systems surrounding the Pleiades stars, and they're really really really concerned about Earth and our future. (Since the Pleiades are a pretty group of stars and since they're even more beautiful through telescopes, anything connected with them has to be good and kind, right?) So concerned are they, they've contacted certain special people to channel them and convey their message
@queenarchitect what am i supposed to explain
why your lover is with a nog
because people have pasts that involve nonwhites
oh i thought these were current
Real Communismâ„¢
@MsNatSocialist its you
>Lets see what's playing on the television tonight
there's your problem right there
Hilaire Belloch
G.K. Chesterton
new rape room