Message from @ETBrooD

Discord ID: 684107984464642069

2020-03-02 18:16:46 UTC  

There's no way to percieve this as a powergrab, because as I said before - these are already our societies.

2020-03-02 18:17:02 UTC  

>Everyone would be free to make their own decisions, and not have them forced on them

2020-03-02 18:17:46 UTC  

In a welfare state, open borders are theft.

2020-03-02 18:17:56 UTC  

>they're not "your people" just for having the same race
well that's some opinion you've got there. any particular reason?

2020-03-02 18:17:59 UTC  

I wonder who is currently forcing third worlders into western nations. I don't see ethnats doing it.

2020-03-02 18:19:17 UTC  

well... perhaps hostile ethnonats. zionists maybe. @Monstrous Moonshine

2020-03-02 18:25:22 UTC  

@ETBrooD If the whole issue is just improving your own circumstances, than you'd want to be around asians with the lowest crime rates and highest IQ by your own estimations
@Greasy They're not members of your community unless you know and interact with them, a person of any race you don't know is just as random to you as anyone else
@Monstrous Moonshine Deflecting by bringing up another irrelevant issue instead of focusing on the issue that mandatory exclusion of certain people and removing freedom of association is an inherent violation of freedom is silly. I'm sure you could just say, it's wrong to exclude people, but instead you say, well here is this other thing instead to not have to admit it

2020-03-02 18:27:11 UTC  

You're just anti-white *yawn*

2020-03-02 18:27:29 UTC  

>They're not members of your community unless you know and interact with them
Do you know what a nation even is?

2020-03-02 18:28:38 UTC  

It's like saying if you have never met your dad he isn't part of your family

2020-03-02 18:30:18 UTC  

It's just the entire matter of distance being irrelevant - the human race is commonly referred to as the global community, the neighbourhood is a community, the street is a community, and so on. Size doesn't matter for use of the word 'community'. The specific size I am referring to is the Nation. @everybodydothatdinosaur

2020-03-02 18:30:48 UTC  

btw feel free to continue without me

2020-03-02 18:33:46 UTC  

@everybodydothatdinosaur You're looking at this from your own subjective POV. Mine isn't yours. I would date some Asians, but if I had to make an uninformed choice, I'd go with a white person.

2020-03-02 18:36:59 UTC  

Generally speaking it's more likely that a white person has similar cultural and ideological views to my own. So for me, even the most basic statistics say I should pick white people before others, unless I've already exhausted the pool of valid mates.

2020-03-02 18:37:47 UTC  

How many Candace Owens exist in the black population? Not many, I can tell you that.

2020-03-02 18:38:00 UTC  

Candace Owens is ugly

2020-03-02 18:38:26 UTC  

I wouldn't date any Asians because dating for me is about finding a woman to marry, but that's just me. And I wouldnt marry an Asian.

2020-03-02 18:39:14 UTC  

Right, so the IQ and crime rates things, are essentially irrelevant

2020-03-02 18:39:34 UTC  

No they're not, because black people do have provably higher violent crime rates, and lower IQ.

2020-03-02 18:40:07 UTC  

Thus living around more of them, is more dangerous. Its more dangerous for Asians to live around Blacks too, and they know this. Hence why they like to segregate themselves into China Town like enclaves.

2020-03-02 18:40:53 UTC  

In fact, getting with a black person is almost retarded, especially considering the effect of self-segregation. Your partner will want to stick around black people.

2020-03-02 18:41:45 UTC  

Exceptions prove the rule and are rarely worth pursuing because of time constraints. I don't have infinite time to find a valid mate.

2020-03-02 18:42:43 UTC  

90% of women who have a child with a Black man never marry the father.

2020-03-02 18:42:55 UTC  

That true?

2020-03-02 18:43:03 UTC  


2020-03-02 18:43:23 UTC  

What a truth bomb. You should drop it more often.

2020-03-02 18:43:39 UTC  

I will provide source, if you would like. DM'ed it.

2020-03-02 18:49:42 UTC  

I think some people have me confused here. I have in-group preferences. All humans do. But my in-group of friends, neighbors, and co-workers the community I rely on is not ethnically homogeneous. We're Americans *culturally*.

2020-03-02 18:50:35 UTC  

Well me personally... and you can use buzzwords all you want... but my in-group of friends is racially homogenous. And I see nothing immoral with that, nor is there any good reason to change that.

2020-03-02 18:50:43 UTC  

And you can make all this up about black people if you want, that's genetic and biological despite no proof of it, but then you can't make the same arguments about IQ and Crime rates when it comes to excluding asians, jews or various other demographics, and so it comes down to, well that's just a made up reason

2020-03-02 18:51:21 UTC  

So if you had a serial killer neighbor who was white, that would be better, than a black neighbor who was productive and had working, just due to race xD

2020-03-02 18:51:29 UTC  

actually more serial killers are black. i have data to prove it too but youd dismiss it so who cares.

2020-03-02 18:51:44 UTC  

This is the problem with basing stuff on race, it's arbitrary; yes but if that individual black person is not a serial killer, and that individual white person is, who cares what the average is?

2020-03-02 18:51:55 UTC  

Species and families are just as arbitrary as race, as categories, they aren’t clear endings and beginnings

2020-03-02 18:52:16 UTC  

dude i never said that all black people are violent or dumb..

2020-03-02 18:52:42 UTC  

the fact that you interpret statistical averages to mean that all black individuals must be dumb or violent kinda says more about you then it does about me

2020-03-02 18:52:58 UTC  

And yet you'd rather never live around any of them and only be in a white only ethnostate despite this xD

What about the intelligent non-violent black people, you exclude those because of the one's that are? Again, it's arbitrary

2020-03-02 18:53:17 UTC  

it also shows that you dont understand averages.

2020-03-02 18:53:45 UTC  

I do, my point is excluding an individual and feeling a closer association with someone you don't even know just due to race is silly

2020-03-02 18:54:04 UTC  

or, basically dumb

2020-03-02 18:55:32 UTC  

pffft you are so foolish. Well Ill say this. If Britain got nuked Id feel more upset then if Nigeria got nuked. <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>