Message from @livid_scrooge

Discord ID: 684143494364921933

2020-03-02 19:22:58 UTC  

as interracial kids that are white-asian have 2x the likelihood of having a mental illness then just Asian kids

2020-03-02 19:25:16 UTC  

Also due process under the law for criminal matters is a uniquely European concept and thus I would actually strive to preserve that.

2020-03-02 19:30:06 UTC  

> What about the intelligent non-violent black people, you exclude those because of the one's that are? - @everybodydothatdinosaur

Yes. It's not practical to vet people individually. If I have a fuckton of people entering a country, telling all niggers to fuck off and only processing whites and asians severely reduces costs and waiting times.

2020-03-02 19:30:32 UTC  

This demonstrates that in fact, I am not the only one who prefers their own. And in fact whites are the group that prefer their own the least when compared to other groups. However there is another study that was done that showed that whites who are not liberals have a higher in-group preference. So there is that as well. 74% of blacks said that their race is either extremely important or very important to how they think about themselves.

Naturally if you see something as either very important or extremely important to the way you see yourself, this will inform many personal decisions of yours. Including who you hang out with, and etc etc.

2020-03-02 19:31:24 UTC  

White liberals are the weakest race

2020-03-02 19:32:34 UTC  

> So? Just arrest them, that would be enough to isolate them from the rest of society, same as the white Criminals.

Prisons also cost money; incidentally, they cost more than a plane ticket to Whereverthefuck province, Niggerland

2020-03-02 19:59:17 UTC  

Well let's look at liberals. Hey there's a Democrat primary what better contemporary example could we look for? Bernie, the communist, performed well in the first few states which were overwhelmingly white.

But the Democrats can't win without an overwhelming majority of black votes. So in the first primary with a large black electorate they overwhelmingly voted against the communist.

2020-03-02 20:11:53 UTC  

Yes the Democratic Party isn’t a monolith. Failing to channel black or Hispanic senses of nationalism they’ll fail definitely. The dems *should* know this. But whatever, anyway last I checked Ronald Reagan’s “natural conservatives” really liked socialism.

2020-03-02 20:12:24 UTC  

Voter ID should be mandatory nationwide and done via Executive Order as its due to the State of Emergency we are in with the immigration issue.

2020-03-02 20:12:28 UTC  

A lot of whites aren’t against ideas of a social security net or labor unions either.

2020-03-02 20:13:18 UTC  

simple as. Nothing less would be accepted if I was president. <:comfort:592107824826417204>

2020-03-02 20:13:47 UTC  

Really it’s more of the fact that dems don’t have their shit together. They need to realize they left the working class a long time ago.

2020-03-02 20:14:39 UTC  

Blacks and Hispanics are more socially conservative, so they won’t vote for a gay guy. That was a dumb idea

2020-03-02 20:15:10 UTC  

well conservative as it pertains to the LGBT issue Id say.

2020-03-02 20:17:33 UTC  

Tbh focusing on small messages like trumps “America first” wrapped with a ideology is way better. Like it’s easier to say “We’re Russians fuck yeah” than teaching everyone Karl Marx. The dems want to teach everyone Karl Marx instead of “Latino Americans fuck yeah”

2020-03-02 20:18:12 UTC  

Right and put forward a sound vision of what it means to be "America First". like you said, wrapped in the ideology

2020-03-02 20:19:11 UTC  

You got dudes like whats his face... Sebastian Gorka or whatever... his show is called America First but hes a huge ConInc shill.

2020-03-02 20:59:28 UTC  

Also before someone takes me out of context the “America first” is a unifying message, it’s not racial nationalist. A lot of non whites are on broad with that.

2020-03-02 21:01:18 UTC  

Sure, when we get to a basic cultural level the divide is between people who think America is better than anywhere else. That believe in American greatness. Which puts me more into the common culture of those southern blacks than the culture of the NY Times or Richard Spencer.

2020-03-02 21:01:59 UTC  

Welcome back everyone to America First I’m your host livid scrooge

2020-03-02 21:02:45 UTC  

I mean, a lot of blacks think America is horrifically racist, so you’re talking about like, idk.....10% or maybe 30% of blacks

2020-03-02 21:04:33 UTC  

I wouldn't say back. Most of the south and midwest has always been there. I mean even the 1612 narrative follows that pattern. It's not part of the lexicon with working middle America blacks.

2020-03-02 21:04:49 UTC  

Or 1619 rather.

2020-03-02 21:05:09 UTC  

I mean IG.

2020-03-02 21:06:27 UTC  

I think it’s time whites think of their self interests and security though. The anti white narrative has gotten horrible and we’re gonna be a minority. A lot of Hispanics, Blacks and Asians are on broad with the shit lib project too.

2020-03-02 21:06:57 UTC  

I’m worried we’ll become the new South Africa or Rhodesia.

2020-03-02 21:07:35 UTC  

Sure maybe we didn’t want to play identity politics but tbh we were pushed into a corner.

2020-03-02 21:08:37 UTC  

It’s disgusting for whites to think of the health of their own collective, we’ve been indoctrinated from birth to be that way.

2020-03-02 21:08:58 UTC  

But soon we gotta make a choice here, and be rational about it.

2020-03-02 21:10:29 UTC  

See thats the thing. The other minorities dont need to ACTUALLY believe in total racial equality to support it in countries founded by Europeans. Why?
Because supporting it does disproportionately benefit them. It only makes sense really.

2020-03-02 21:30:14 UTC  

*If you're less inclined to eat from a bowl of M&Ms that contain two poisonous pieces than one, then you're being dumb* - dino, probably

2020-03-02 22:26:01 UTC  

This race shiit is getting old... Don't know why we can't recognize the between the high ends of the race's (yes there is you're a retard if you think they dont have difference in abilities) and just compete with each other under a fair system. But instead we wunna play fuucked up games and keep people in the middle class. Really disappointing that the fight has been only on the middle class for more than a 100 years... Singapore is kicking everyone's asses. And why is that... the only good things America is 1st and 2nd amendment and their military.

2020-03-02 22:29:13 UTC  

failing schools. overpriced private care due to other countries not paying their share and also not displaying price's, lack of infrastructure due to the fact of mass immigration. Over funding, to high tax's on the rich so hardly any of them actually pay their tax's in America. to high tax's over all. no matter what you do there is nothing going for america but what i've pointed out

2020-03-02 22:29:56 UTC  

America is failing that’s why we have all those problems. America is unhealthy.

2020-03-02 22:30:51 UTC  

Singapore has a very strict authoritarian state IIRC and that’s how they maintain low crime. Because stealing a phone over there will make you get hit with serious jail time.

2020-03-02 22:38:07 UTC  

I mean if I were to point to a demographic causing problems in this country I'd say it's people with postgraduate degrees and/or over 100K incomes. Sure notall but but disproportionately anti American and all-in on intersectionality and race baiting.

Now I don't want to destroy them or deport them. I do think we need to crush them politically. My hope was '16 would be a wake up call for them. It wasn't. So I want to humiliate them this year and maybe they'll learn.

2020-03-02 22:39:20 UTC  

They never learn.

2020-03-02 22:39:47 UTC  

If they had the capacity, they would have used it by now.

2020-03-02 22:40:38 UTC  

Who tf is "they", you guys are all over the place.

2020-03-02 22:42:03 UTC  

@ETBrooD You only say that because you can't read, it was clearly a response to the above post, which clearly outlines who "they" is.