Message from @randomNPCno3

Discord ID: 664299193141035021

2020-01-07 13:00:47 UTC  

Am I mistaken?

2020-01-07 13:10:56 UTC  

I know there were protests over it, people wanting to end or limit controlled burning

2020-01-07 13:11:24 UTC  

And I know there are less instances of controlled burning than there were

2020-01-07 13:11:32 UTC  

But by how much Idk

2020-01-07 13:14:26 UTC  

I've also read a few stories like this quite recently

2020-01-07 13:56:42 UTC  

A place like this sure could use more somali crime

2020-01-07 16:08:07 UTC  


2020-01-07 21:33:09 UTC  

Due to Switzerland being a direct democracy, it actually has some ***🅱️ased*** laws

2020-01-07 21:37:34 UTC  

Like sometime ago, the Swiss Nationalist Party with a weird name I can't recall and a logo that looks like a pre-school, started a petition on whether or not to ban the construction minaret towers.
You know, which tend to be attached to mosques where the imam shouts prayers as you've probably seen in Islamic countries.
Anyway, under Swiss law when a petition reaches a certain number a public referendum must be held, and that's exactly what happened. And the majority of the Swiss people voted to ban the construction of minaret towers.

2020-01-07 22:31:38 UTC  


2020-01-08 02:42:05 UTC  

after Iran and Iraq's offenses against the US, if both parties are pulled into full on conflict, who's allied against each side?

2020-01-08 02:42:30 UTC  

from what it seems like, it's going to be them against the rest of the world

2020-01-08 02:43:15 UTC  

Russia and China haven't asked us to btfo

2020-01-08 02:44:32 UTC  

I heard the US and Canada have sent forces over

2020-01-08 02:44:56 UTC  

In this situation our allies count, irans allies only count if they're dumb enough to think Iran will win, they started hostilities so the don't have a leg to stand on in calling on allies

2020-01-08 02:45:37 UTC  

yeah i'm pretty sure the rest of the Middle East is going to side with us because Iran was in the wrong here

2020-01-08 02:47:00 UTC  

That'd be fucking hilarious if a ME coalition helps us nae-nae the Iranian military <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-01-08 02:47:49 UTC  

and hopefully this could be the start of bringing about peace in the middle east

2020-01-08 02:47:49 UTC  

They will if it escalates, Iran made sure of that

2020-01-08 02:48:01 UTC  

Direct threats on UAE and Dubai

2020-01-08 02:48:18 UTC  

only tyrant regimes that have been oppressing their own people will back tyrant regimes in Iran

2020-01-08 02:48:33 UTC  

so Iran is already divided

2020-01-08 02:48:44 UTC  

their people want freedom/peace

2020-01-08 02:49:04 UTC  

Not even, I think the other tyrant regimes hate Iran more than US right now

2020-01-08 02:49:44 UTC  

so Solemeini and his fellow butt buddies have been behind all the terrorism

2020-01-08 02:49:55 UTC  

and once all of them are knocked out

2020-01-08 02:50:03 UTC  

they're done for

2020-01-08 02:50:31 UTC  

that's how i'm understanding this

2020-01-08 02:52:06 UTC  

i'm pretty sure if we can get Muslim migrants on board with the motive of bringing about peace in their homelands, we can turn their own people against them if there is a common goal of peace

2020-01-08 02:52:33 UTC  

and they'll go home now that there's nothing to fear

2020-01-08 02:53:30 UTC  

because you gotta remember *why* they migrated in the first place

2020-01-08 05:09:43 UTC  

In regards to the Greens in Australia, I've also heard similar. A Green supporter I talked to said that the Greens were for controlled burns, but suggested that if the bans were put in place it would be to protect the wildlife, as apparently controlled burns weren't taking into account the ecology in the area. I haven't verified it because I don't care too much, but that's just what I've heard.

2020-01-08 05:16:54 UTC  

Im an aussie and spent most of my childhood in and around country towns where bushfires are a very real risk. There are plenty of stories about greenies from the cities that dont understand how the australian bush works trying to stop people from doing things that help reduce the risk of bushfires

2020-01-08 05:17:51 UTC  

2 main examples of this are stopping hazard reduction burning (backburning) where they can and closing access to roads used by firefighters to the general public

2020-01-08 05:19:24 UTC  

that last example is an issue because people that use those roads often bring chainsaws and such when using them, helping to keep them cleared and ready for use when a fire does actually hit. Those roads are critical for firefighters to get into hard to reach areas to put fires out when that is an option

2020-01-08 05:21:18 UTC  

in all seriousness the greens party is horrible for the australian environment and the people involved with it have little to no knowledge about what it is they claim to protect (its either that or they are actually evil, which I doubt is the case for most/all of them)

2020-01-08 05:24:34 UTC  

there is an issue a hobby fisherman mentioned to me about somewhere he used to go fishing that had a huge introduced fish problem. The introduced fish were outcompeting the native fish which was causing a decline in the native fish population. The greens solution to this was to ban fishing in that area -_-

2020-01-08 06:16:22 UTC  

It has began.