Dumbass the Thonk Engine

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U wot

after Iran and Iraq's offenses against the US, if both parties are pulled into full on conflict, who's allied against each side?

from what it seems like, it's going to be them against the rest of the world

Russia and China haven't asked us to btfo

I heard the US and Canada have sent forces over

yeah i'm pretty sure the rest of the Middle East is going to side with us because Iran was in the wrong here

and hopefully this could be the start of bringing about peace in the middle east

only tyrant regimes that have been oppressing their own people will back tyrant regimes in Iran

so Iran is already divided

their people want freedom/peace

so Solemeini and his fellow butt buddies have been behind all the terrorism

and once all of them are knocked out

they're done for

that's how i'm understanding this

i'm pretty sure if we can get Muslim migrants on board with the motive of bringing about peace in their homelands, we can turn their own people against them if there is a common goal of peace

and they'll go home now that there's nothing to fear

because you gotta remember *why* they migrated in the first place

Yo yo my niggas

@Niveron We talking about nuclear power?

Fucking boomers are all scared of it

And people don't understand that Chernobyl was a fucking soviet dumpster fire to begin with.

I have a ukrainian friend. He's far from that.

This is why we can't have nice things

Moved here when he was 5

He's half Russian

But back to nuclear. People want to screech about muh green energy and muh environment but don't want 80% efficient nuclear power

Immigrants that won't assimilate and just want to create nu Middle East are the fucking worst

Why even immigrate to a country you hate?

"some cultures are better than others"

I had an Iraqi international student working on his master's degree in my apartment in college

My apartment was half international students from the middle east. They were all super chill and friendly.

They were the college educated civilized ones

Not the inbreds

Compared to other religions, Muslims focus way too hard on their religion

Islam is basically half their life

But the conservatism is kind of based

When they put black in the LBGTQ+ flag https://youtu.be/_qSsU3-JpZ8

"Nigga" isn't a sexual orientation

uh oh stinky

so there's evidence of voter fraud

but how long until it's actually acted upon

and what's stopping from fraudulent recounts

one has to wonder

exactly, that's what i fear will happen

my unemployed ass got gibmedats pog

hopefully i get an offer from one of these jobs that i finished interviewing with so i can have big dick money

are we posting rare wocickis?


seeing how much of a disappointment AC Odyssey was, i'm skeptical about Valhala

yeah i haven't played a video game in a long ass time

isn't that most women

Google "HP Lovecraft's cat"

i've always wanted to live in a big city like NYC but fuck all the hipsters that ruined it

i guess i'll always remain a midwesterner with no taste of life in the big city

if i ever care about having money to enjoy life with

america is done for under biden presidency until people really wake up and see how royally he done fucked up

i don't want my new truck vandalized by commies

i don't want to be judged for my political beliefs when i go out in public. that's why i keep my politics on the down low.

i've see how liberals will spit in peoples' food

more blacks need to wake the fuck up and realize they democrats don't think they matter. they're just being used as a stepping stone for political gain.

the blm resurgence was a desperate publicity stunt by the left

anyone who fell for it is a fool

nothing changed before. nothing changed now.

blm preys upon people who have too big hearts and are too naรฏve for their own good

it swayed a bunch of voters who were on the fence

and it breaks my heart to see people i care about falling for this sham and being brainwashed to become liberals

like my sister has become a borderline SJW (not a marxist, but she cares too much about people for her own good) because of influencers

i blame tik tok pseudointellectuals

no thanks, i can't afford a new phone

tfw can't grow a full beard

dude i look like a fucking neckbeard

i feel like i would look better with a beard when i mentally fill in the gaps in my patchy facial hair but it won't grow in right for me so i have to shave it

how am i this high

maybe because i post webm's in here daily

dude what's stopping them from releasing the vaccine now that there's proven data to back its success rate?

people are DYING

it'll start with the most vulnerable

aka diabetics

is only game

why u hef to be mad?

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