Message from @ARockRaider

Discord ID: 650837740186894376

2019-12-01 23:05:18 UTC  

oh, didn't know it was a movie, thought you were talking about a recent event in the news.

2019-12-01 23:06:24 UTC  

nah its a movie called friday about people in the hood, that one part felt like it was relevant for the culture conversation that was going on

2019-12-01 23:06:33 UTC  


2019-12-01 23:07:59 UTC  

Hell yeah

2019-12-01 23:08:03 UTC  

I've watched that movie

2019-12-01 23:08:08 UTC  

It's pretty fucking great

2019-12-01 23:08:41 UTC  

It's probably accurate for those communities, too

2019-12-01 23:09:46 UTC  

personaly I work with an asumption that every rule has an edge case.
there isn't much in the way of obvious color diversity where i live and so I don't have to worry about anything past "basic human assumption"
which normally is enough to start with almost anyone.
i'm sure if i lived in an area where there were clear culture lines I would have a "culture A assumption" and a "culture B assumption" that i would start with when ever I met someone new.

2019-12-01 23:10:33 UTC  

it just so happens that cultures are passed on much like genetics, so culture tends to be mistaken for race.

2019-12-01 23:10:48 UTC  

@ARockRaider would be better if it was not racial cultures and just the culture in general in low economic area such as the hood

2019-12-01 23:11:13 UTC  

@ARockRaider and you shouldnt be afraid of the culture when you enter the gated community and see a black family

2019-12-01 23:11:25 UTC  

I never would be

2019-12-01 23:11:47 UTC  

awesome, that was not a comment entirely directed at you, but people in general

2019-12-01 23:11:55 UTC  


2019-12-01 23:12:28 UTC  

i tend to write "you" alot but really i mean it in axiom form like kant

2019-12-01 23:12:38 UTC  

you ought to do this

2019-12-01 23:12:55 UTC  

you meaning everyone in general

2019-12-01 23:12:57 UTC  

Race is nothing more then a curiosity to me, never has been more then that.
I understand though that it CAN be a marker for the culture someone has.

2019-12-01 23:14:34 UTC  

but I very much agree, one should never hold long term assumptions of a person based on the group they are from.
if they act in a way that shows them as diffrent form your assumptions of them then you need to change those assumptions to macth their actions.

2019-12-01 23:14:34 UTC  

the economic factor is the most likly for you to determine the culture of someone.

i would say if i saw a white man who was bald and many tattoos looking into my car on the street, that he is probably lower class and therefore a shitty culture and therefore probably going to break into my car

2019-12-01 23:16:49 UTC  

I tend to think culture is more the driver of economic position in the long term, though culture is often inherited so it can be hard to tell what one drives the other.
I think the reality is that both can have effects on each other so that makes simple "A causes B" systems to break down rather quickly.

2019-12-01 23:17:15 UTC  


2019-12-01 23:20:12 UTC  

I tend to think that people find themslefs in the economic position that their actions cause, for example if one always has car debt then they will have a harder time getting past a certain level beacuse of where they have their money tied up.
so Culture acts on ones economic position.

2019-12-01 23:21:10 UTC  

form personal accounts, very expensive repairs are much less stressfull when you can afford to repair them with cash.

2019-12-01 23:21:19 UTC  

thats fine but that does not tie culture to race

2019-12-01 23:23:26 UTC  

I don't think someone is stuck in a culture because of their race, but you will be very likely to adopt the culture you grow up in, that being the one your parents have, so it can almost be like culture is a racial thing because the correlation is so close.
that is all only usefull for first impressions to me however.

2019-12-01 23:24:27 UTC  

why do you think white women come out of the public school system mostly liberal communist? is it because of their parents culture?

2019-12-01 23:25:28 UTC  

id argue it is in the schools not the parents

2019-12-01 23:25:50 UTC  

now that is less of a race thing and more of a school system thing, I also think that the genders have their own predispositions towards certain things based on what biology demands from that gender.

2019-12-01 23:26:07 UTC  

of course they do, they are more agreeable

2019-12-01 23:26:21 UTC  

again, the biological predisposition is nothing that can't be over come.

2019-12-01 23:27:55 UTC  

just a quick check, am i saying anything that is flat out crazy?
I have guests that i would like to spend some time with for a bit.

2019-12-01 23:30:30 UTC  

i mean, i am not convinced that race has anything to do with it. all evidence posts to just economic effects. saying culture is linked to race and that it should be a factor does not convince me when economic indicators act so much better to predict outcomes.

2019-12-01 23:30:56 UTC  

nothing crazy, just, nothing mind blowing either, or convincing

2019-12-01 23:36:07 UTC  

White women just have a generally condescending personality which naturally makes them think of themselves as people who must help the inferior masses

2019-12-01 23:36:28 UTC  

I think its more cultural and gender than it is racial

2019-12-01 23:37:45 UTC  

White women and women in general still get alot of free passes on behavior most men would never get away with unless they are gay

2019-12-01 23:38:37 UTC  

yea you wanna get black pilled on that you can start looking at variances in convictions for similar crimes between men and women

2019-12-01 23:38:55 UTC  

Well aware

2019-12-01 23:39:12 UTC  

it is what it is i guess

2019-12-01 23:39:30 UTC  

it was like that for forever