Message from @Ryoma Nagare

Discord ID: 651487295286804511

2019-12-03 18:10:22 UTC  

Having to explain to some canadian moron who thinks a war between the US and Canada would last more than an afternoon that there are more armed people in America than there are people in Canada

2019-12-03 18:11:05 UTC  

that and all of Canada's important areas are snuggled up against their southern border.

2019-12-03 18:11:15 UTC  

And if anything it would be America and Alberta vs everyone else in Canada

2019-12-03 18:11:54 UTC  

I am convinced Alberta wants to be state 51-55

2019-12-03 18:13:31 UTC  

well, canadians would be harder to shoot if they're all camoed up in blackface

2019-12-03 18:13:31 UTC  

I do believe that the US should do something about Venezuela

2019-12-03 18:13:37 UTC  

Kamala's out

2019-12-03 18:13:57 UTC  

now that they are destabilizing the rest of latam

2019-12-03 18:14:43 UTC  

I think the US should do something about any country who would try to force people to stay there, other then that i'm less sure.

2019-12-03 18:15:18 UTC  

If Chile and Colombia and Ecuador Fall expect massive migratory crisis into the US

2019-12-03 18:15:48 UTC  

Well pull a poland and shoot them at the border

2019-12-03 18:16:02 UTC  

Venezuela is no the Brink and still has a working opposition

2019-12-03 18:16:07 UTC  

or just tell them to stay in Mexico.

2019-12-03 18:16:14 UTC  

thats one way to do it sure

2019-12-03 18:16:37 UTC  

but if those countries asked for help defending themselfs I wouldn't be against it.

2019-12-03 18:16:55 UTC  


2019-12-03 18:17:03 UTC  

thing is we’ve got Visa waivers in Chile for example lots of people will go and just overstay

2019-12-03 18:17:25 UTC  

you’ll need to hunt them down, at a tremendous cost

2019-12-03 18:17:34 UTC  

its one thing to deport people to mexico

2019-12-03 18:17:55 UTC  

it is completely different to start deporting people all over

2019-12-03 18:18:06 UTC  

I don't even know if i would demand payment for such help, our military should already be payed for anyways, it would be good training.

2019-12-03 18:18:09 UTC  

I get you but what are we going to do? Wag a finger at them and say, "stop having corrupt socialist governments. " You may have noticed while we excel at beating armies we are pretty shit at nation building....

2019-12-03 18:18:55 UTC  

problem is the US is not good at shady stuff

2019-12-03 18:19:07 UTC  

Israel would have already disappeared Maduro

2019-12-03 18:19:16 UTC  

I don't know enough about the nation building to know, like war itself leadership matters.

2019-12-03 18:19:53 UTC  

if the leaders won't let the boys on the ground do their job proper then they can't win.

2019-12-03 18:22:43 UTC  

but seriously i reckon you put one carrier next to the coast and do a couple flyovers and woulnt even have to shoot a round

2019-12-03 18:23:54 UTC  

The cop is out
I repeat, the cop is out

2019-12-03 18:24:54 UTC  

Guess it's old news
But hey, still fun to report

2019-12-03 18:25:37 UTC  

really thought she'd do better to be honest. tulsi fucking annihilated harris's campaign singlehandedly.

2019-12-03 18:26:31 UTC  


2019-12-03 18:27:01 UTC  

Yeah like I said the war-winning bit we got no problem. It's the nation building we're garbage at. Take Mexico which is relatively more stable and affluent. We've piped them in to our gas network which means they have access to the cheapest energy in the industrial world. All they have to do is get their shit together well enough to build a plant. And they're not getting it done.

Meanwhile Pemex is falling apart.

2019-12-03 18:27:25 UTC  

one thing i don't understand about people running for high office, why don't they have a website with every interview they have had while running?
why don't they just make the news outlets totally redundant?
I would still agree to go to interviews with them, but i would need the original tapes (or i would make my own) to post on my website after a certain time.

2019-12-03 18:27:54 UTC  

probably because normies don't actively seek out information, they just consume it by accident

2019-12-03 18:28:23 UTC  

which is why the late night comedy shows are where most people get their news

2019-12-03 18:28:34 UTC  

ok, thats true.

2019-12-03 18:28:49 UTC  

I guess that's why trump does so well.

2019-12-03 18:29:42 UTC  

he knows how to push buttons to get everyone to talk about him, and it seems like name recognition is the important part about politics right now.

2019-12-03 18:32:09 UTC  

That free publicity he gets saves him millions

2019-12-03 18:32:39 UTC  

TFW you get outspent by your opponent on the campaign while having the entire MSM support them and shit on you, only to still come out victorious.