Message from @SuperHeroDeluxe

Discord ID: 652894066106695700

2019-12-07 13:09:25 UTC  

Corruption is literally Legal

2019-12-07 13:09:31 UTC  

obamacare seems like the worst of both worlds in some respects

2019-12-07 13:09:48 UTC  

The SCOTUS has affirmed this for over a century now

2019-12-07 13:10:19 UTC  

@Death in June Well, Obamacare was the Originally the GOP's Health Care Plan that Obama Stole

2019-12-07 13:11:27 UTC  


2019-12-07 13:11:34 UTC  

Made by Mitt Romney

2019-12-07 13:12:03 UTC  

And the Wikileaks have shown that Romney was paid by the Insurance Companies to give them this plan since it would benefit them

2019-12-07 13:15:35 UTC  

The US is functionally an Oligarchy; what we'd call a Corporatocracy; a System of Gov't in which the Big Corporations control the State

2019-12-07 13:16:31 UTC  

This is actually an Argument I often use against Socialists who try blaming America's problems on Capitalism

2019-12-07 13:18:39 UTC  

The United States ain't a Capitalist Country, it's actually a Socialist of the Most Socialist Countries in the World; the difference is that differentiates the US from other Socialist Countries and makes em appear to be Capitalist is that all of that Socialism is for the Rich; Corporate Welfare; what we would call "Corporatist"

2019-12-07 15:07:10 UTC Timcast: "Socialists and Far Leftists OUTRAGED After I Called Them Lazy And Stupid, Too Bad I'M RIGHT"

2019-12-07 15:24:34 UTC  

When major industries are owned and controlled by the state then you know socialism is in place. That's kind of how it works.

2019-12-07 15:25:29 UTC  

Socialism isn't just taxing people and spreading money around.

2019-12-07 15:25:38 UTC  

Are you including natural Monopolies like utilities?

2019-12-07 15:26:06 UTC  

If no competition is allowed, yes

2019-12-07 15:26:15 UTC  

Because those are usually state owned

2019-12-07 15:26:54 UTC  

If you can build a wind farm and sell that electricity, then no

2019-12-07 15:27:25 UTC  

You can sell it to the government

2019-12-07 15:27:55 UTC  

Whoever you want since capitalism is the system

2019-12-07 15:29:06 UTC  

Yeah, although realistically you'd want to sell to the government or you'd have allot of surplus electricity unless you invested enough in storage

2019-12-07 15:30:29 UTC  

Or, sell it to another, larger private utility company

2019-12-07 15:31:08 UTC  


2019-12-07 15:33:34 UTC  

A big issue I see here is that a lot of people are a bit fuzzy about what a socialist system is. This is in part due to propaganda by socialists who say YOU ALREADY HAVE SOCIALISM, JUST THROW MORE (other people's) MONEY AT IT.

2019-12-07 15:36:04 UTC  

No, a fire department is not socialist when you can own your own.

2019-12-07 15:37:23 UTC  

Putting price caps on products and services won't work where there is private ownership of those things.

2019-12-07 15:37:57 UTC  

Fire departments are a social institution. But they're not socialist

2019-12-07 15:38:05 UTC  


2019-12-07 15:38:08 UTC  

socialism is couched in the idea of central planning. local fire departments run locally is the opposite of central planning.

2019-12-07 15:38:35 UTC  

Oh yeah, they're about as decentralized as you can get

2019-12-07 15:38:58 UTC  

Right. They may be regulated, but that doesn't make them socialist.

2019-12-07 15:40:55 UTC  

People like Bernie point at some European countries and says "see, SOCIALISM works" No, those are capitalist countries where they tax the fuck out of people and subsidize services.

2019-12-07 15:41:38 UTC  

*And look where that's got them. Cost of living is high beyond belief*

2019-12-07 15:42:05 UTC  

In those countries, you can see a private doctor or surgeon.

2019-12-07 15:42:52 UTC  

After paying 50% income tax and VAT on top of that

2019-12-07 15:43:43 UTC  

This fuzziness about what socialism is is why so many Americans are in favor of it.

2019-12-07 15:43:44 UTC  

VAT is bullshit, it only kind of makes sense in a duty free where it's technically becoming an import/export

2019-12-07 15:44:04 UTC  

To be fair most Americans are pretty stupid

2019-12-07 15:44:12 UTC  

And selfish

2019-12-07 15:44:29 UTC  

Most of us voted Trump