Message from @Death in June

Discord ID: 665747665904205844

2020-01-12 02:34:23 UTC  

i haven't seen bernie suggest like mandated employee representation on corporate boards or the nationalization of industries or whatever

2020-01-12 02:34:23 UTC  

No big deal, amirite?

2020-01-12 02:34:24 UTC  


2020-01-12 02:34:31 UTC  

honestly what sealed th edeal for me on bernie

2020-01-12 02:34:46 UTC  

was when he bought into the Progressive nonsense by saying "whites dont know what its like to be poor"

2020-01-12 02:34:53 UTC  

when he said that. i was done. frankly.

2020-01-12 02:35:03 UTC  

@Death in June no nationalization of industries? Are you kidding?

2020-01-12 02:35:27 UTC  

What the hell do you think the Medicare For All plan is?

2020-01-12 02:35:45 UTC  

i mean other than that

2020-01-12 02:36:02 UTC  

his policies are mostly just

2020-01-12 02:36:08 UTC  


2020-01-12 02:36:11 UTC  


2020-01-12 02:36:36 UTC  

Yeah, other than the complete abolishment of the private healthcare, pharmaceutical, and health insurance industries

2020-01-12 02:37:47 UTC  

The DMV is a modern marvel of efficiency

2020-01-12 02:37:59 UTC  

i would say that's mild compared to countries like norway yeah

2020-01-12 02:38:15 UTC  

Let's just turn every hospital in the country into the same thing, no big deal

2020-01-12 02:38:38 UTC  

It's not like people's lives are at stake or anything

2020-01-12 02:40:23 UTC  

@UnScottable yeah and of course the progressive stuff is bad, but that goes for any democrat really

2020-01-12 02:41:16 UTC  


2020-01-12 02:43:32 UTC  

also i don't think sanders advocated for the complete abolishment of private healthcare

2020-01-12 02:43:44 UTC  

@Death in June try watching this

2020-01-12 02:44:50 UTC  

what is this video intended to show

2020-01-12 02:45:43 UTC  

all i'm saying is that sanders is a pretty mild socdem if you consider countries like norway have 35%~ of their workforce employed in the state sector and the state sector accounts for a larger portion of gdp than the private sector

2020-01-12 02:47:21 UTC  

That's a huge problem

2020-01-12 02:47:58 UTC  


2020-01-12 02:48:11 UTC  

The video is about Finland, but it's a pretty close analog to Norway

2020-01-12 03:13:00 UTC  

Europe has always been pretty socialist. We put up with it because of the cold war but they really do not even know how to be conservative. They are by nature serfs.

2020-01-12 03:39:48 UTC  

>tfw you say you don’t live in ‘That bad a city’ and then you hear a Drive-By while walking your dog

2020-01-12 03:42:45 UTC  

Kinda like how I was telling Ma on hands-free not to worry about me driving home on the freeway, the weather's fine, then suddenly its fucking monsoon season

2020-01-12 03:47:07 UTC  

Europe is so socialist that when you explain the true meaning of socialism to a European, they think you're just making things up. That is until you pick up a dictionary and show them - because then they *suddenly* don't care about the topic anymore.

2020-01-12 04:12:41 UTC  

that's my experience when talking to most people about any topic that is counter to a mainstream opinion. "Where are you sources" me:"here they are" "those sources are like 100+ pages each, i'm not reading that lol; also I'm still right"

2020-01-12 04:14:25 UTC  

I mean, you could press the point home if you cited the specific page(s) relevent to the discussion

2020-01-12 04:14:52 UTC  

hard to do that when your statement is "x is bad" and there's a million points

2020-01-12 04:15:02 UTC  

most of the time people won't have their mind changed by data, no matter how good the data is.

2020-01-12 04:15:10 UTC  

plus in my defence usually these discussions happen with NEETs who have nothing but free time

2020-01-12 04:15:16 UTC  

so they have 0 excuse not to read it

2020-01-12 04:15:21 UTC  

Well then that just looks like you're trying to scare cunts off with massive amounts of reading material

2020-01-12 04:15:50 UTC  

oh no! scary reading material that will educate! the horror!

2020-01-12 04:16:07 UTC  

if you have a point, make the point, literally no one, good faith or bad, is going to impromptu read a short novel's worth of shit for an internet argument

2020-01-12 04:16:33 UTC  

then they're not actually looking to be educated on the subject