Message from @A Big Gay Baby

Discord ID: 662800405662531626

2020-01-03 22:43:04 UTC  

They were protesting the US bombing an Iran-backed militia group in Iraq

2020-01-03 22:43:15 UTC  

well there you go

2020-01-03 22:44:30 UTC  

let's imagine there were french militia groups in the UK and germany bombed them, then french supporters stormed the german embassy in the UK.

2020-01-03 22:44:53 UTC  

is that Brits or French interests at work?

2020-01-03 22:45:18 UTC  

Let's say the head french general was in London at the time of the storming

2020-01-03 22:45:25 UTC  

would that look fishy?

2020-01-03 22:46:42 UTC  

Just because it benefits Iran doesn't necessarily mean that Iran planned it

2020-01-03 22:47:39 UTC  

True, but building plausible deniablity into any covert action is the first thing you do.

2020-01-03 22:48:13 UTC  

The Iranians are already in row-back mode

2020-01-03 22:48:33 UTC  

Iran and Iraq hate each other, having Iranian backed anything in Iraq is not for the benefit of Iraq.

2020-01-03 22:55:15 UTC  

Don't Iran basically control the Iraq parliament at this point?

2020-01-03 23:29:25 UTC  

its 5 now

2020-01-03 23:29:31 UTC  

one of them resurrected i guess

2020-01-03 23:30:11 UTC  

Exactly how is this different than Russian or US air strikes in Syria?

2020-01-03 23:31:07 UTC  

Because the US is already dangerously close to a war with Iran

2020-01-03 23:31:26 UTC  

how close is dangerously close?

2020-01-03 23:31:42 UTC  

like they are going to hop in their speed boats and invade california close?

2020-01-03 23:32:00 UTC  

Well a war could have been declared yesterday when they assassinated the government official

2020-01-03 23:32:10 UTC  

but it wasn't was it?

2020-01-03 23:32:28 UTC  

It wasn't but it took Iran and the US closer to war

2020-01-03 23:32:58 UTC  

Further escalation like this bombing could easily push relations past the breaking point and lead to war

2020-01-03 23:33:26 UTC  

I see how it can look like that.

2020-01-03 23:33:33 UTC  

but if you look at it from a practical standpoint

2020-01-03 23:33:38 UTC  

what the fuck can Iran do?

2020-01-03 23:33:52 UTC  

other than be dicks to US allies in the region

2020-01-03 23:34:03 UTC  

which they are already doing

2020-01-03 23:34:05 UTC  

They can attack US bases in the region

2020-01-03 23:34:11 UTC  

they won't

2020-01-03 23:34:13 UTC  

They can attack the US navy in the region

2020-01-03 23:34:17 UTC  


2020-01-03 23:34:19 UTC  

They can shoot down US drones in the region

2020-01-03 23:34:23 UTC  

they did that already

2020-01-03 23:34:45 UTC  

Just because they can't invade the American Mainland doesn't mean that they can't do anything

2020-01-03 23:35:01 UTC  

anything they do won't hurt us and will give us a reason to annihilate them

2020-01-03 23:35:10 UTC  

nothing is going to happen

2020-01-03 23:35:21 UTC  

It would largely be a stalemate because the US doesn't have the numbers to actually completely occupy Iran

2020-01-03 23:35:49 UTC  

Not without putting considerable funds into it and probably starting the draft at least

2020-01-03 23:36:29 UTC  

If you knocked off the Ayoltollah and his underlings the previous secular democracy would return, pre-revolution style.

2020-01-03 23:36:32 UTC  

would be ugly as fuck