Message from @Jabba's Soapbox

Discord ID: 681075003801731090

2020-02-23 00:14:27 UTC  

Teen who doesn't school in school strike. Hmm…

2020-02-23 00:24:39 UTC  

Bernie supporters seem to think we don't have private health insurance here

2020-02-23 00:26:15 UTC  

Like... Do they think billionaires dont use private hospitals here or something :p ... Fknnnnn branson waiting on NHS :p

2020-02-23 00:28:33 UTC  

i hope i get a bed next to boris once we're all hospitalized for coronavirus

2020-02-23 00:28:45 UTC  

infact i hope i get a bed at all, pile of coats will have to do

2020-02-23 00:29:36 UTC  

Might be a good time to get private insurance

2020-02-23 04:56:24 UTC  

Meaning a new suburine?

2020-02-23 04:58:07 UTC  

There is still a chance to save the NHS.

2020-02-23 04:59:27 UTC  

Let's be real greta is home schooled by now.

2020-02-23 05:01:21 UTC  

When did we get to a point in western society were listen to someone uneducated more then listen to someone with a PHD? We're all got mentally sick.

2020-02-23 05:25:24 UTC  

If ur arguing against climate change itself there then u are argument against the people with the PHD’s, tho somehow more people listen to greta than a lot of scientists even if the whole idea of her being a public figure in the first place is fucking dumb

2020-02-23 06:53:00 UTC  

Climate changing is something that happens regardless of humans and will never not be happening

2020-02-23 07:24:55 UTC  

You know as well as I do that I mean anthropogenic climate change, but the effects that we cause are more a problem because of the dramatic rate of change we are causing it compared to natural climate change

2020-02-23 08:12:14 UTC  

this true, it is happenining in decades instead of centuries

2020-02-23 09:33:23 UTC  

A business "delegation" LOL, she loves to LARP as if she's already an independent country...

2020-02-23 09:35:50 UTC  

Well, it's "worse" than that Nicola - the EU seem to be forcing no-deal

2020-02-23 09:43:17 UTC  

You're British you knob, not English

2020-02-23 10:28:02 UTC  

Lammy's serialising his books, is this the 1800s again

2020-02-23 10:39:05 UTC  

yeet em off to 'straya

2020-02-23 11:04:08 UTC  
2020-02-23 11:21:21 UTC  

@the1j the choice of words allows for ambiguity to arise. With something as full of mud and confusion as the climate and weather, do better to be precise.

2020-02-23 11:29:45 UTC  

That would be a good point if both global warming and climate change were not common terms used to describe the impact humans cause on climate. But since they are common in most cases you don’t really need to clarify because people for the most part know what you are talking about - and if someone responds “the climates always changing” or something similar it is usually going to be someone arguing in response that human climate change isn’t a thing/is negligible

2020-02-23 11:53:58 UTC  

doesn't the EU already do that

2020-02-23 11:58:47 UTC  

EU chlorinate pre-packed salads, but they trying to make it a big deal that American chicken gets the same treatment

2020-02-23 11:59:34 UTC now it's something remoaners want to say we were promised would never happen

2020-02-23 12:07:40 UTC  

@the1j they're different terms for different things

2020-02-23 12:08:17 UTC  

it's like saying menopause and Female Sterilization are the same thing

2020-02-23 12:09:34 UTC  

they share a commonality but they're different things - and using words that describe different things interchangably is what causes people to be able to mock your argument as a strawman without them looking bad

2020-02-23 12:10:03 UTC  

even if they did know what you mean, why are you using something that promotes ambiguity and leaves that door open

2020-02-23 12:10:18 UTC  

esp when you're going to go after people for their opinion in that

2020-02-23 12:11:55 UTC  

I would compare it too if someone said “evolution is true” and someone responded “yeah things change”, I’m arguing that people use what is commonly understood - not that in debates and discussions we can’t discuss and find out what definitions each of us are using and go from there