Message from @Xaverius

Discord ID: 673934304992165889

2020-02-03 14:23:00 UTC  

yandere dev is the developer of yandere simulator and he is notriously toxic, lazy and doesnt like it if you critizise him

2020-02-03 14:23:22 UTC  

well considering how long it takes him to make a game

2020-02-03 14:26:30 UTC  

@MS There's a history of people going onto his server and doing speedruns to get banned

2020-02-03 14:26:38 UTC  

the record is like 3 seconds, I think

2020-02-03 15:07:00 UTC  

So I posted Arch's video on "why review bombing is a moral good" in a different server and asked for peoples thoughts on the matter. I got a very interesting response from one lad which seems to firmly rebuttel Arch's claim, but im curious to know what you guys think; Does he have a point or is Arch correct in his statement rhat it is a moral good? The guys response was as follows: " "Surely, that's just an angry mob, right? People screeching on the internet. Surely, we shouldn't encourage that kind of behaviour." - Yes, there you go, nailed it in the first minute of the video. That's exactly what it is and he nails the central reason behind it too - it's not that the people review bombing don't have a voice or that they can't vote with their wallet, it's that they're not happy with the voice/power they have, in their opinion it should carry much more weight. Who cares if it's 1,000 of them and 10,000 or 100,000 other people think the game is good or merely mediocre, it's THEIR voice that matters. You think a game is a 5, give it a 5 and explain why. You genuinely think a game is a 1, give it a 1 and explain why. Give your actual, original opinion, don't regurgitate someone else's brainfart. Most bomb reviews aren't even informative in the least, it's just some copy pasta about imaginary issues or a meaningless "don't buy" or "trash" comment. Hell, some aren't even by people playing the game or remotely interested in the game. Moral good my arse! "

2020-02-03 15:19:14 UTC  

My response would be that when something genuinely pisses you off, you have the right to retaliate against a company with all the power you can muster.

2020-02-03 15:20:58 UTC  

For example, if they made a Lara Croft game, where the protagonist is named Lara Croft, and has all the signature shit of Lara Croft, but the protagonist is instead an obese black woman with an afro bigger than a watermelon, then you're getting a zero, because fuck you.

2020-02-03 15:22:55 UTC  

I would go even further than this. My brother plays sports games and knows all about how shitty their practices are. And to me, getting kids addicted to virtual gambling is the shittiest of practices. ZERO. I don't give a fuck if it looks nice.

2020-02-03 15:23:49 UTC  

When a company is telling you to go fuck yourself, you should flip them off right back.

2020-02-03 15:24:27 UTC  

Not buyng their shit is what hurts them, and also getting others to not buy their shit (review bombs).

2020-02-03 15:28:13 UTC  

@Kinky Kitsune (Coomer) He actually made a game, not lazy enough <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-02-03 15:31:17 UTC  

@Goddess Tyche "I'm the customer here, I don't care about what's good for the company, I care about what's good for me." <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-02-03 15:32:04 UTC  

What's good for me as a customer is no shitty companies. If review bombing tanks a shitty company ... good.

2020-02-03 15:32:29 UTC  

@Xaverius a game that should've been done months if not years ago

2020-02-03 15:32:33 UTC  

and a game that has shitty code

2020-02-03 15:32:50 UTC  

Just not lazy enough to make it

2020-02-03 15:43:27 UTC  

@Goddess Tyche hm, interesting counter.

2020-02-03 15:43:42 UTC  

Thanks for the feedback lads

2020-02-03 16:52:00 UTC  

e.g. on blizzard forums they removed downvotes because they were "counterproductive" (specifically in many cases woke threads were downvoted and reported) and the argument is that if you disagree you should present your argument, but if you agree no argument is needed

2020-02-03 16:53:33 UTC  

also most dev forums are just /dev/null for user feedback, that's why many companies don't accept any engagement other their own forums

2020-02-03 16:54:19 UTC  

Doesn't help half the time you get mobbed by sjw moderators

2020-02-03 16:54:51 UTC  

internet modding systems do need an overhaul tbh

2020-02-03 16:54:53 UTC  

the issue with blizzard is that after all these controversies they had the balls to release a worse product that original one

2020-02-03 16:55:46 UTC  

so why would a user complain on blizzard forums?

2020-02-03 16:56:00 UTC  

what's the point, because blizzard said so

2020-02-03 16:56:49 UTC  

also review bombing generally means game is good/ok, but many users disagree with some of devs stance

2020-02-03 16:57:17 UTC  

Reviewing bombing is just alot of people who are upset with your product making their voices heard

2020-02-03 16:57:35 UTC  

then it wouldn't be 0.5 in that case

2020-02-03 16:57:47 UTC  

SJWs do it. just on twitter for stupid things

2020-02-03 16:58:56 UTC  

blizzard managed to slip with Hong Kong controversy as not that many people cared, but this time it was a direct hit into their playerbase

2020-02-03 16:59:23 UTC  

and many seems to be fed up with them not doing anything for years

2020-02-03 16:59:55 UTC  

paying millions to their higher ups and understaffing development teams

2020-02-03 17:00:20 UTC  

Blizzard is awfully close to becoming Drizzle

2020-02-03 17:47:02 UTC  


2020-02-03 17:49:39 UTC  

Sargon looks like a Games Workshop Manager?

2020-02-03 17:51:47 UTC  

Oof, imagine nerd shaming people. Smh

2020-02-03 18:03:00 UTC  

Yea, games workshop *manager*

2020-02-03 18:03:07 UTC  

He's high up there!

2020-02-03 18:03:21 UTC  

Even when you're making fun of him, you can't deny he's got it made <:coolgon:549370575701803019>