Message from @Kinky Kitsune (Coomer)
Discord ID: 679840697351798814
he let them use proxies, and banned their opposition
Nothing like a good dose of black death to get rid of all your rivals 😉
I get the feeling it's gonna stay in india
it never stays in India
it easily can cross the entire map provided there aren't high level hospitals
already jumped into the arabian subcontinent
Or major depopulations I once had an outbreak of consumption so bad it stopped the black death from going further kinda got saved by another sickniss
my capital is on sicily and the land bridge county has a herbal garden. almost maxed out hospitals on both. we'll see how well they work
Gamergate 2: Electric Boogalooo
this guy has been messing "a bit" too much with the dark arts. hunchback, club footed, ugly, possessed lunatic cannibal
let him go what harm could he do <:Pepe_of_akkad:462279833511264257>
light his ass on fire
not my game btw it's my friends
That happens.
If Catholicisms authority tanks, which it can easily with too many raids, then heresy just springs up across all of Europe. We did an MP tribal game once, where the Moral Authority of the Catholic church was net -170, but was ofc capped at 0.
In total the negatives for moral authority went into the 200's
@Comando appearently the umayyads took rome for a few years until it was retaken
and the moral authority got destroyed because of that
Sounds about right.
Once it takes the first big dip, heresy's spawn all over the fucking place. Small states then emerge. Each of thse further tanks the MA of the church meaning that unless a particularly powerful player begins Deus Vulting their neighbours, the MA never recovers.
@Kinky Kitsune (Coomer) Its rather easy to recover even as the AI, but requires a solid unitary state with sufficent soldiers to fuck up their neighbours.
one can hope
So pokemon gold and silver will work on a super gameboy, but pokemon crystal won’t.
I blame Bloomberg for this travesty.
I remember I had Pokémon Crystal and my game would always crash because I would head into the grass and run into a Ditto