Message from @n0ne0ther

Discord ID: 679785018754596909

2020-02-19 18:46:40 UTC  

Hahaha /ouralley/ my sides... ah

2020-02-19 18:50:06 UTC  

we have had almost no reports of infection in any muslim country ... I know there were some "Alah is protecting us" memes going about, but my contacts in that part of world are quite limited

2020-02-19 18:50:41 UTC  

Their ignorance will be their undoing

2020-02-19 18:51:07 UTC  

what worries me more is the complete silence from India

2020-02-19 18:51:31 UTC  

Just wait two weeks bro

2020-02-19 19:46:35 UTC  

oh snap

2020-02-19 19:47:02 UTC  

if true, this is massive and will win him a third impeachment for sure.

2020-02-19 19:49:13 UTC  

still waiting on the evidence, but Assange's lawyer indicates they have proof.

2020-02-19 19:59:54 UTC  

They always have proof, I mean no one ever sees it but they all have it!

2020-02-19 20:06:21 UTC  

Innovation takes talent, China has none, they only copy products and sell it at a lower cost. They're only as advanced technologically and engineeringly as the West is. So as the west suffers, they'll suffer along with it - who will change course first?

2020-02-19 20:07:18 UTC  

I think we changed course, china will keep copying and we need to cut them from the market unless the play ball.

2020-02-19 20:15:28 UTC  

and that's before Xi Jinping decided to start removing the "external influences" from China

2020-02-19 20:16:57 UTC  

Get in line bigots!

2020-02-19 20:22:25 UTC  

I for one welcome my Greater Idahoan overlords

2020-02-19 20:22:58 UTC  

Dude, I want to move to Idaho all of a sudden.

2020-02-19 20:27:11 UTC  

Based Ted

2020-02-19 20:27:30 UTC  

Look at the replies

2020-02-19 20:36:10 UTC  

Twitter replies are almost never worth looking at

2020-02-19 20:38:29 UTC  

read some
i got to antisem... _what?_

2020-02-19 20:39:06 UTC  

I read them, and they 100% confirmed my initial statement

2020-02-19 20:39:08 UTC  

thanks retard

2020-02-19 20:39:13 UTC  

Bloomberg is a jew after all. Gotta play the jew card.

2020-02-19 20:42:50 UTC  

*When government is finally revealed as the mafia that it always was*

2020-02-19 20:44:14 UTC  

sjw's forbid me say it
...jewish mafia?

2020-02-19 20:50:00 UTC  

I was initially not gonna post this here, but after seeing most of the video I think it's newsworthy enough

2020-02-19 20:50:21 UTC  

GDQ being a complete alphabet

2020-02-19 21:00:08 UTC

2020-02-19 21:02:59 UTC

2020-02-19 21:03:05 UTC  

Look at all these cucks.

2020-02-19 21:03:47 UTC  

She's fugly

2020-02-19 21:03:56 UTC  

Very fugly

2020-02-19 21:04:01 UTC  
2020-02-19 21:04:10 UTC  
