Message from @Napoleon

Discord ID: 553027184995074059

2019-03-07 01:31:15 UTC

thats fucked

2019-03-07 01:31:17 UTC

Trust me she's going to end up dead in a few months after the divorce

2019-03-07 01:31:19 UTC

shes not really self made billionaire if people actually donated to her lmao

2019-03-07 01:31:27 UTC

Jeff is gonna order a hit on hef

2019-03-07 01:31:27 UTC

Drug overdose

2019-03-07 01:31:28 UTC

They didnt

2019-03-07 01:31:39 UTC

jeff bezos wife gonna be single with 66 billion

2019-03-07 01:31:44 UTC

Rhis nigga sticcboi this is mafia 3

2019-03-07 01:31:44 UTC

fuck it im getting me a sugar momma

2019-03-07 01:31:52 UTC

Gonna order a hit on her btw

2019-03-07 01:32:08 UTC

bezo probably gonna hire hitman to kill her

2019-03-07 01:32:12 UTC

Nigga I would do that if I was in his position

2019-03-07 01:32:15 UTC

Why would jeff kill her after the divorce

2019-03-07 01:32:15 UTC

im boutta marry and divorce jeff bezos ex wife and secure myself 33 billion dollars

2019-03-07 01:32:16 UTC


2019-03-07 01:32:16 UTC


2019-03-07 01:32:24 UTC

To get the money back

2019-03-07 01:32:29 UTC

<:pingwut:526018020695605258> NO NIGGA

2019-03-07 01:32:32 UTC

If he's still on a life insurance policy

2019-03-07 01:32:33 UTC

Why would he get the money back

2019-03-07 01:32:35 UTC


2019-03-07 01:32:35 UTC

GG @Napoleon, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-03-07 01:32:42 UTC

I doubt that

2019-03-07 01:32:45 UTC

good music tho <:pepe420:494994193039753238>

2019-03-07 01:32:48 UTC

If I was jeff bezos I would have just shot my wife

2019-03-07 01:32:52 UTC

<:TriHard:494994515665354772> gang gang

2019-03-07 01:32:57 UTC

Probably a will to her kids and relatives

2019-03-07 01:32:57 UTC

instead of giving her my money

2019-03-07 01:33:02 UTC

he has an estimated net worth of over 100 BILLION USD why the fuck would he need life insurance

2019-03-07 01:33:08 UTC


2019-03-07 01:33:16 UTC

he gets a $10k life insurance

2019-03-07 01:33:20 UTC

So he gets more after she dies

2019-03-07 01:33:21 UTC

just incase <:pepeJew:495099901311582220>

2019-03-07 01:33:29 UTC

unless he's in her will

2019-03-07 01:33:34 UTC

its going to their kids

2019-03-07 01:33:42 UTC

marriage is for losers

2019-03-07 01:33:43 UTC

@Nagasaki Nagasaki blazer?

2019-03-07 01:33:45 UTC

and the dumb

2019-03-07 01:33:46 UTC


2019-03-07 01:33:51 UTC


2019-03-07 01:33:53 UTC

marriage is just prostitution with extra steps